Is it worth encrypting email addresses in the database?

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南笙 2020-11-29 06:03

I\'m already using salted hashing to store passwords in my database, which means that I should be immune to rainbow table attacks.

I had a thought, though: what if s

  • 2020-11-29 06:22

    I would say it depends on the application of your database.

    The biggest problem is, where do you store the encryption key? Because if the hacker has excess to anything more than your DB, all your efforts are probably wasted. (Remember, your application will need that encryption key to decrypt and encrypt so eventually the hacker will find the encryption key and used encryption scheme).


    • A leak of your DB only will not expose the e-mail addresses.


    • Encryption means performance loss.
    • Allot of database actions will be harder if not impossible.
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  • 2020-11-29 06:25

    You really have to weigh your worst case senario of someone obtaining those email addresses, the likelihood of someone obtaining them, and your extra effort/time needed to impliement the change.

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  • 2020-11-29 06:28

    It's worth to encrypt data in Databases, it's not making it a bit more difficult but way more difficult when its encrypted in the right way so stop philosophy and encrypt the sensitive data ;)

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  • 2020-11-29 06:31

    Bruce Schneier has a good response to this kind of problem.

    Cryptography is not the solution to your security problems. It might be part of the solution, or it might be part of the problem. In many situations, cryptography starts out by making the problem worse, and it isn't at all clear that using cryptography is an improvement.

    Essentially encrypting your emails in the database 'just in case' is not really making the database more secure. Where are the keys stored for the database? What file permissions are used for these keys? Is the database accesable publically? Why? What kind of account restrictions are in place for these accounts? Where is the machine stored, who has physical access to this box? What about remote login/ssh access etc. etc. etc.

    So I guess you can encrypt the emails if you want, but if that is the extent of the security of the system then it really isn't doing much, and would actually make the job of maintaining the database harder.

    Of course this could be part of an extensive security policy for your system - if so then great!

    I'm not saying that it is a bad idea - But why have a lock on the door from Deadlocks'R'us which cost $5000 when they can cut through the plywood around the door? Or come in through the window which you left open? Or even worse they find the key which was left under the doormat. Security of a system is only as good as the weakest link. If they have root access then they can pretty much do what they want.

    Steve Morgan makes a good point that even if they cannot understand the email addresses, they can still do a lot of harm (which could be mitigated if they only had SELECT access)

    Its also important to know what your reasons are for storing the email address at all. I might have gone a bit overboard with this answer, but my point is do you really need to store an email address for an account? The most secure data is data that doesn't exist.

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