I\'d like to share a photo with caption pre-filled from my app via a share intent, on facebook.
I know how to share photo or how to share text, but how do I share th
This issue appear to be a long standing "feature" of the facebook app. It's handling of intents has never been in a fully functional state.
Check the links on http://forum.developers.facebook.net/viewtopic.php?id=93900
This needs to be elevated with the developers at facebook. The reliance on hiding behind the Client API rather than fixing the obvious is working against them.
Add this line to your existing codes:
shareCaptionIntent.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TITLE, "my awesome caption in the EXTRA_TITLE field");
There is no clearly defined differences among EXTRA_TITLE, EXTRA_SUBJECT and EXTRA_TEXT. So there is no clear share protocol. We could always try them all. :-)