Is there a way to check if the .NET Framework 4 has been installed and install it only when it\'s not in the system?
I know, how do I determine, if the .NET Framewor
The easiest you can do, is to use the Check parameter, which allows you to control if a certain file from the [Files] section will be extracted, or if a certain program from the [Run] section will be executed. The following script code shows its usage for the conditional installation of the .NET Framework 4:
Source: "dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe"; DestDir: {tmp}; \
Flags: deleteafterinstall; Check: FrameworkIsNotInstalled
Filename: "{tmp}\dotNetFx40_Full_setup.exe"; Check: FrameworkIsNotInstalled
function FrameworkIsNotInstalled: Boolean;
Result :=
not RegKeyExists(
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\.NETFramework\policy\v4.0');