I\'m creating a simple application with xcode and objc and I need to load an NSDictionary from a file, but I can\'t get the path to the file using NSBundle:
Make sure you spell your resource's file name properly. I just learned that the hard way. :)
In my case (executing XCTestCase) for some reason resources were stored in non-main Bundle. I fixed the problem by checking first which bundle test class belongs to:
[[NSBundle bundleForClass:[self class]] pathForResource:@"Config" ofType:@"plist"];
Hopefully this can help someone else as well.
So here's the solution for this problem after I got the source:
I didn't really pay attention to the posted screenshot, but the target is of type "Command-line Tool"... and since those don't have a bundle [NSBundle mainBundle]
of course returns nil. It's pretty misleading that Xcode doesn't complain that it can't execute the "Copy Bundle Resources" step, it just silently skips it.
Solution is simply to add a new target, of type "Application" so a bundle-based application is generated. Then check the Target Membership checkboxes for all sources and resources for this new target. The plist paths are correctly resolved then.
Since I have googled here, did not find the answer, but then discovered it by myself, I'll leave it here...
I had 2 files: tray.png and tray@2x.png for Retina. The files were added to "Copy Bundle Resources" automatically.
[[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"tray" ofType:@"png"];
did not return the file actually copied to the bundle! The reason was: IDE created one TIFF file tray.tiff (joint tray.png and tray@2x.png), so ... ofType:@"tiff"]
I encountered this issue today with a Command Line project.
Luckily, the solution is easy. Simply go to "Build Phases", click on "+" and add a new "Copy Files" phase. Choose "Resources" as Destination, and add any files you want to use.
Now you can still use [NSBundle mainBundle]
and it should work!
My problem and solution are very similar to Dmitriy Isaev's ones. I have tried to get path for a xib file. Both calls (in Swift) pathForResource("myfile", ofType: "xib") and pathForResource("myfile.xib", ofType: nil) are failed.
The solution is to use extension "nib" instead:
pathForResource("myfile", ofType: "nib")