I have a cache folder that stores html files. They are overwritten when needed, but a lot of the time, rarely used pages are cached in there also, that just end up using sp
/* Detele Cache Files Here */
$dir = "cache/"; /** define the directory **/
/*** cycle through all files in the directory ***/
foreach (glob($dir."*") as $file) {
//foreach (glob($dir.'*.*') as $file){
/*** if file is 24 hours (86400 seconds) old then delete it ***/
if (filemtime($file) < time() - 3600) { // 1 hour
I am using this, hope it helps.
It should be
if((time()-$filelastmodified) > 24*3600 && is_file($file))
to avoid errors for the .
and ..
$directory = $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/pathfromRoot/';
$files = array_slice(scandir($directory), 2);
foreach($files as $file)
// $extension = substr($file, -3, 3);
// if ($extension == 'jpg') // in case you only want specific files deleted
// {
$stat = stat($directory.$file);
$filedate = date_create(date("Y-m-d", $stat['ctime']));
$today = date_create(date("Y-m-d"));
$days = date_diff($filedate, $today, true);
// dd($days);
if ($days->days > 180)
// }
Try SplIterators
// setup timezone and get timestamp for yesterday
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); // change to yours
$yesterday = strtotime('-1 day', time());
// setup path to cache dir and initialize iterator
$path = realpath('/path/to/files'); // change to yours
$objects = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(
new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
// iterate over files in directory and delete them
foreach($objects as $name => $object){
if ($object->isFile() && ($object->getCTime() < $yesterday)) {
// unlink($object);
echo PHP_EOL, 'deleted ' . $object;
Creation Time is only available on Windows.
just to note Gordon's time comparison (see above: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2205833/1875965) is the only correct one when comparing to 'days' rather than '24 hours', as not all days have 24 hours (summertime/wintertime etc).
E.g. use
// setup timezone and get timestamp for yesterday
date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); // change as appropriate
$yesterday = strtotime('-1 day', time());
when comparing the file date.
This may not be a big issue, but can lead to unexpected behaviour when you're working with weeks/months etc. I found it best to stick to using the above method as it'll make any process involving dates/times consistent and avoid confusion.
Also check what the timezone is for the file dates, as sometimes the default for PHP differs from the system timezone.
Kind regards, Sandra.
The below function lists the file based on their creation date:
private function listdir_by_date( $dir ){
$h = opendir( $dir );
$_list = array();
while( $file = readdir( $h ) ){
if( $file != '.' and $file != '..' ){
$ctime = filectime( $dir . $file );
$_list[ $file ] = $ctime;
closedir( $h );
krsort( $_list );
return $_list;
$_list = listdir_by_date($dir);
Now you can loop through the list to see their dates and delete accordingly:
$now = time();
$days = 1;
foreach( $_list as $file => $exp ){
if( $exp < $now-60*60*24*$days ){
unlink( $dir . $file );