I was wondering, how can one use selenium/webdriver to download an image for a page. Assuming that the user session is required to download the image hence having pure URL i
Although @aboy021 JS code is syntactly correct I couldn't the code running. (using Chrome V83.xx)
However this code worked (Java):
String url = "/your-url-goes.here.jpg";
String imageData = (String) ((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeAsyncScript(
"var callback = arguments[0];" + // The callback from ExecuteAsyncScript
"var reader;" +
"var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();" +
"xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {" +
" if (xhr.readyState == 4) {" +
"var reader = new FileReader();" +
"reader.readAsDataURL(xhr.response);" +
"reader.onloadend = function() {" +
" callback(reader.result);" +
"}" +
" }" +
"};" +
"xhr.open('GET', '" + url + "', true);" +
"xhr.responseType = 'blob';" +
String base64Data = imageData.split(",")[1];
byte[] decodedBytes = Base64.getDecoder().decode(base64Data);
try (OutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream("c:\\dev\\tmp\\output.jpg")) {
} catch (IOException e) {