Alright, so I\'ve been doing some poking around, and I realize my problem, but I don\'t know how to fix it. I have made a custom class to hold some data. I make objects fo
I create a library RMMapper ( to help save custom object into NSUserDefaults easier and more convenient, because implementing encodeWithCoder and initWithCoder is super boring!
To mark a class as archivable, just use: #import "NSObject+RMArchivable.h"
To save a custom object into NSUserDefaults:
#import "NSUserDefaults+RMSaveCustomObject.h"
NSUserDefaults* defaults = [NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults];
[defaults rm_setCustomObject:user forKey:@"SAVED_DATA"];
To get custom obj from NSUserDefaults:
user = [defaults rm_customObjectForKey:@"SAVED_DATA"];