I got this error with Xcode 5 when I try to run the app on my device.
The executable was signed with invalid entitlement
It work
In my case: I need enable Inter-App Audio in
Capabilities -> Inter-App Audio
I think because I use Parse.com Notification, it need link to AudioToolbox.framework
I think your problem lies because of the profile that you were using xCode4.6 and now you are using xCode5.
You need to refresh certificates/provisioning profiles via XCode > Preferences > Accounts
XCode > Preferences > Accounts > Click on your DEV ACCOUNT > View Details button (bottom right) > Signing Iden/PPs screen appears > hit Refresh.
Then choose again from build settings the correct profile and clean and build your project.
Hope this helps you.
For XCode 10, one may need to use the legacy build system
Change can be made from File/Project Settings. ERROR ITMS-90174: "Missing Provisioning Profile - iOS Apps must contain a provisioning profile in a file named embedded.mobileprovision."
A cordova / ionic annoucement: https://github.com/apache/cordova-ios/issues/407
In my case, the device wasn't added. So I had to add the device and generate a new provisioning profile.
I came across exactly the same issue quite recently. After reading many different advices which none of them worked for me, I finally went under the hood and found the root cause of the issue.
Mobile provisioning file actually DOESN'T match with the Entitlements file generated by Xcode.
Although all files are anaged automatically by Apple tool, they are not correct.
If you download provisioning file from Apple portal and open it (you can open it because it's just plist file signed by your certificate, so it's readable by text editor) and compare it with your Entitlements file (automatically generated by Xcode and residing in project files (so it's again plist XML file readable by text editor). Then you can see the difference.
In my case it was Game Center entitlement. It was displayed on the portal as checked (checked by default) but actually this entitlement was not included in mobile provisioning file. So it was matter of deleting it from Entitlements file.
So the result is - content of mobile provisioning profile sometimes doesn't match with what is displayed on the APP ID configuration page.
I found out the problem. The app I created on developer.apple.com does not include inter-app-audio. The project entitlements plist file on Xcode has inter-app-audio set to YES (by default). Once I changed the setting on my app configuration on developer.apple.com to enable the inter-app-audio. Then my app runs on my devices. I guess that is apple's new rule to make your app settings consistent on both developer.apple.com and your xcode project setting.