I have a generic question that I will try to explain using an example.
Say I have a table with the fields: \"id\", \"name\", \"category\", \"appearances\" and \"rati
Following the two answers I received (none of which was complete so I wrote my own), what I eventually did is as follows:
UPDATE Table AS target
select category, appearances_sum
from Table T inner join (
select category as cat, sum(appearances) as appearances_sum
from Table
group by cat
) as agg
where T.category = agg.cat
group by category
) as source
ON target.category = source.category
SET target.probability = target.appearances / source.appearances_sum
It works very quickly. I also tried with correlated subquery but it was much slower (orders of magnitude), so I'm sticking with the join.
Use joins right after UPDATE: Reference Manual – 13.2.11 UPDATE Syntax
so UPDATE table1 inner join table2 on .... set table1.foo=value where table2.bla = someothervalue
With these kind of things, always look at the manual. MySql has a proper reference manual, so it shouldn't be that hard to get the right syntax ;)
This is how it is done in mssql, I think mysql is the same or similar:
create table T (id int, ratio float, appearances int)
insert T values (1, null, 2)
insert T values (1, null, 3)
update T
set ratio = cast(appearances as float)/ agg.appearancesSum
from T join (
select id, sum(appearances) as appearancesSum
from T
group by id
) as agg on t.id = agg.id