I have a string that contains some text followed by a blank line. What\'s the best way to keep the part with text, but remove the whitespace newline from the end?
This Java code does exactly what is asked in the title of the question, that is "remove newlines from beginning and end of a string-java":
String.replaceAll("^[\n\r]", "").replaceAll("[\n\r]$", "")
Remove newlines only from the end of the line:
String.replaceAll("[\n\r]$", "")
Remove newlines only from the beginning of the line:
String.replaceAll("^[\n\r]", "")
String.replaceAll("[\n\r]", "");
String cleanString = dirtyString.strip() ; // Call new `String::string` method.
The old String::trim method has a strange definition of whitespace.
As discussed here, Java 11 adds new strip… methods to the String
class. These use a more Unicode-savvy definition of whitespace. See the rules of this definition in the class JavaDoc for Character::isWhitespace.
Example code.
String input = " some Thing ";
input = input.strip();
Or you can strip just the leading or just the trailing whitespace.
You do not mention exactly what code point(s) make up your newlines. I imagine your newline is likely included in this list of code points targeted by strip
Another elegant solution.
String myString = "\nLogbasex\n";
myString = org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.strip(myString, "\n");
For anyone else looking for answer to the question when dealing with different linebreaks:
string.replaceAll("(\n|\r|\r\n)$", ""); // Java 7
string.replaceAll("\\R$", ""); // Java 8
This should remove exactly the last line break and preserve all other whitespace from string and work with Unix (\n), Windows (\r\n) and old Mac (\r) line breaks: https://stackoverflow.com/a/20056634, https://stackoverflow.com/a/49791415. "\\R"
is matcher introduced in Java 8 in Pattern class: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/api/java/util/regex/Pattern.html
This passes these tests:
// Windows:
value = "\r\n test \r\n value \r\n";
assertEquals("\r\n test \r\n value ", value.replaceAll("\\R$", ""));
// Unix:
value = "\n test \n value \n";
assertEquals("\n test \n value ", value.replaceAll("\\R$", ""));
// Old Mac:
value = "\r test \r value \r";
assertEquals("\r test \r value ", value.replaceAll("\\R$", ""));
Try this
function replaceNewLine(str) {
return str.replace(/[\n\r]/g, "");