I need to communicate between Javascript and PHP (I use jQuery for AJAX), but the output of the PHP script may contain binary data. That\'s why I use bin2hex()
To answer your question:
function Hex2Bin(n){if(!checkHex(n))return 0;return parseInt(n,16).toString(2)}
Here are some further functions you may find useful for working with binary data:
//Useful Functions
function checkBin(n){return/^[01]{1,64}$/.test(n)}
function checkDec(n){return/^[0-9]{1,64}$/.test(n)}
function checkHex(n){return/^[0-9A-Fa-f]{1,64}$/.test(n)}
function pad(s,z){s=""+s;return s.length<z?pad("0"+s,z):s}
function unpad(s){s=""+s;return s.replace(/^0+/,'')}
//Decimal operations
function Dec2Bin(n){if(!checkDec(n)||n<0)return 0;return n.toString(2)}
function Dec2Hex(n){if(!checkDec(n)||n<0)return 0;return n.toString(16)}
//Binary Operations
function Bin2Dec(n){if(!checkBin(n))return 0;return parseInt(n,2).toString(10)}
function Bin2Hex(n){if(!checkBin(n))return 0;return parseInt(n,2).toString(16)}
//Hexadecimal Operations
function Hex2Bin(n){if(!checkHex(n))return 0;return parseInt(n,16).toString(2)}
function Hex2Dec(n){if(!checkHex(n))return 0;return parseInt(n,16).toString(10)}
Although not an answer to the actual question, it is perhaps useful in this case to also know how to reverse the process:
function bin2hex (bin)
var i = 0, l = bin.length, chr, hex = ''
for (i; i < l; ++i)
chr = bin.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
hex += chr.length < 2 ? '0' + chr : chr
return hex
As an example, using hex2bin
on b637eb9146e84cb79f6d981ac9463de1
returns ¶7ëFèL·mÉF=á
, and then passing this to bin2hex
returns b637eb9146e84cb79f6d981ac9463de1
It might also be useful to prototype these functions to the String
String.prototype.hex2bin = function ()
var i = 0, l = this.length - 1, bytes = []
for (i; i < l; i += 2)
bytes.push(parseInt(this.substr(i, 2), 16))
return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, bytes)
String.prototype.bin2hex = function ()
var i = 0, l = this.length, chr, hex = ''
for (i; i < l; ++i)
chr = this.charCodeAt(i).toString(16)
hex += chr.length < 2 ? '0' + chr : chr
return hex