date value
18/5/2010, 1 pm 40
18/5/2010, 2 pm 20
18/5/2010, 3 pm 60
18/5/2010, 4 pm 30
18/5/2010, 5 pm 60
Answer is to add a having clause:
SELECT [columns]
FROM table t1
WHERE value= (select max(value) from table)
AND date = (select MIN(date) from table t2 where t1.value = t2.value)
this should work and gets rid of the neccesity of having an extra sub select in the date clause.
In Oracle:
This gets the key of the max(high_val) in the table according to the range.
select high_val, my_key
from (select high_val, my_key
from mytable
where something = 'avalue'
order by high_val desc)
where rownum <= 1
Technically, this is the same answer as @Sujee. It also depends on your version of Oracle as to whether it works. (I think this syntax was introduced in Oracle 12??)
FROM table
ORDER BY value DESC, date_column ASC
FETCH first 1 rows only;
As I say, if you look under the bonnet, I think this code is unpacked internally by the Oracle Optimizer to read like @Sujee's. However, I'm a sucker for pretty coding, and nesting select
statements without a good reason does not qualify as beautiful!! :-P
Keywords like TOP, LIMIT, ROWNUM, ...etc are database dependent. Please read this article for more information.
Oracle: ROWNUM could be used.
select * from (select * from table
order by value desc, date_column)
where rownum = 1;
Answering the question more specifically:
select high_val, my_key
from (select high_val, my_key
from mytable
where something = 'avalue'
order by high_val desc)
where rownum <= 1
Analytics! This avoids having to access the table twice:
FIRST_VALUE(date_col) OVER (ORDER BY value_col DESC, date_col ASC),
FIRST_VALUE(value_col) OVER (ORDER BY value_col DESC, date_col ASC)
FROM mytable;
SQL> create table t (mydate,value)
2 as
3 select to_date('18/5/2010, 1 pm','dd/mm/yyyy, hh am'), 40 from dual union all
4 select to_date('18/5/2010, 2 pm','dd/mm/yyyy, hh am'), 20 from dual union all
5 select to_date('18/5/2010, 3 pm','dd/mm/yyyy, hh am'), 60 from dual union all
6 select to_date('18/5/2010, 4 pm','dd/mm/yyyy, hh am'), 30 from dual union all
7 select to_date('18/5/2010, 5 pm','dd/mm/yyyy, hh am'), 60 from dual union all
8 select to_date('18/5/2010, 6 pm','dd/mm/yyyy, hh am'), 25 from dual
9 /
Table created.
SQL> select min(mydate) keep (dense_rank last order by value) mydate
2 , max(value) value
3 from t
4 /
------------------- ----------
18-05-2010 15:00:00 60
1 row selected.
Regards, Rob.