Can you recommend efficient/clean way to manipulate arbitrary length bit array?
Right now I am using regular int/char bitmask, but those are not very clean when arra
You can use std::bitset
int main() {
const bitset<12> mask(2730ul);
cout << "mask = " << mask << endl;
bitset<12> x;
cout << "Enter a 12-bit bitset in binary: " << flush;
if (cin >> x) {
cout << "x = " << x << endl;
cout << "As ulong: " << x.to_ulong() << endl;
cout << "And with mask: " << (x & mask) << endl;
cout << "Or with mask: " << (x | mask) << endl;
I recently implemented a small header-only library called BitContainer just for this purpose. It focuses on expressiveness and compiletime abilities and can be found here:
It is for sure not the classical way to look at bitarrays but can come in handy for strong-typing purposes and memory efficient representation of named properties.
constexpr Props props(Prop::isHigh(),Prop::isLow()); // intialize BitContainer of type Props with strong-type Prop
constexpr bool result1 = props.contains(Prop::isTiny()) // false
constexpr bool result2 = props.contains(Prop::isLow()) // true
I've written a working implementation based off Dale Hagglund's response to provide a bit array in C (BSD license).
Please let me know what you think / give suggestions. I hope people looking for a response to this question find it useful.
This posting is rather old, but there is an efficient bit array suite in C in my ALFLB library.
For many microcontrollers without a hardware-division opcode, this library is EFFICIENT because it doesn't use division: instead, masking and bit-shifting are used. (Yes, I know some compilers will convert division by 8 to a shift, but this varies from compiler to compiler.)
It has been tested on arrays up to 2^32-2 bits (about 4 billion bits stored in 536 MBytes), although last 2 bits should be accessible if not used in a for-loop in your application.
See below for an extract from the doco. Doco is, library is
BM_DECLARE( arrayName, bitmax);
Macro to instantiate an array to hold bitmax bits.
mallocs an array (of unsigned char) to hold bitmax bits.
Returns: NULL if memory could not be allocated.
void BM_SET( UCHAR *bit_array, BM_SIZE_T bit_index);
Sets a bit to 1.
void BM_CLR( UCHAR *bit_array, BM_SIZE_T bit_index);
Clears a bit to 0.
int BM_TEST( UCHAR *bit_array, BM_SIZE_T bit_index);
Returns: TRUE (1) or FALSE (0) depending on a bit.
int BM_ANY( UCHAR *bit_array, int value, BM_SIZE_T bitmax);
Returns: TRUE (1) if array contains the requested value (i.e. 0 or 1).
UCHAR *BM_ALL( UCHAR *bit_array, int value, BM_SIZE_T bitmax);
Sets or clears all elements of a bit array to your value. Typically used after a BM_ALLOC.
Returns: Copy of address of bit array
void BM_ASSIGN( UCHAR *bit_array, int value, BM_SIZE_T bit_index);
Sets or clears one element of your bit array to your value.
BM_MAX_BYTES( int bit_max);
Utility macro to calculate the number of bytes to store bitmax bits.
Returns: A number specifying the number of bytes required to hold bitmax bits.