Is there a simple way to find the min/max property from an array of elements in jQuery?
I constantly find myself dynamically resizing groups of elements based on the
I wrote a simple plugin to do exactly this - see . With it installed, you could do:
var maxWidth = $('img').aggregate('width', 'max');
Take a look at the calculation plugin, maybe it can help you with your problems. They offer a number of math functions, like min, max and avg on DOM-elements.
You can use native "sort" function to have more control over which elements are compared
Array.prototype.deepMax = function(comparator){
if(typeof comparator === 'function'){
var sorted = this.slice(0).sort(comparator);
return sorted[sort.length - 1];
return Math.max.apply(Math, this);
and you can call it like
var maxWidth = $('img').deepMax(function(a, b){
//-1 if a < b; +1 otherwise
return $(a).width() - $(b).width();
you can use _.max of Underscore which is can be implemented like...
Array.prototype.max = function(iterator){
if(!iterator && obj[0] === +obj[0])
return Math.max.apply(Math, this);
var result = -Infinity, lastComputed = -Infinity;
this.forEach(function(value, index){
var computed = iterator ? iterator(value, index, this) : value;
computed > lastComputed && (result = value, lastComputed = computed);
return result;
var maxWidth = $('img').max(function(val){ return $(val).width();});
Rolled up as a plugin to return min-max of width and height:
// Functions to get the Min & Max value in Array
if (!Array.min) { Array.min = function( array ){return Math.min.apply( Math, array )} }
if (!Array.max) { Array.max = function( array ){return Math.max.apply( Math, array )} }
(function( $ ){ // Standard jQuery closure to hide '$' from other libraries.
// jQuery plug-in to get the min and max widths of a set of elements
$.fn.dimensionsMinMax = function(whnx) {
dimensionsMinMax(whnx) - jQuery plug-in to get min & max width & height
whnx - A 4-element array to receive the min and max values of the elements:
whnx[0] = minimum width;
whnx[1] = maximum width;
whnx[2] = minimum height;
whnx[3] = maximum height.
this - so it can be "chained".
var minmax = new Array(4);
var number_of_images = $('img').dimensionsMinMax(minmax).class('abc').length;
console.log('number of images = ', number_of_images);
console.log('width range = ', minmax[0], ' to ', minmax[1]);
console.log('height range = ', minmax[2], ' to ', minmax[3]);
var widths = new Array(this.length);
var heights = new Array(this.length);
$this = $(this);
widths[i] = $this.width();
heights[i] = $this.height();
whnx[0] = Array.min( widths);
whnx[1] = Array.max( widths);
whnx[2] = Array.min(heights);
whnx[3] = Array.max(heights);
return this;
})( jQuery ); // End of standard jQuery closure.
The Plugins/Authoring page actually has an example for determining the tallest element.
It's basically what you have here, just rolled into a plugin for easy access. Maybe you could appropriate it for your uses.
Use Fast JavaScript Max/Min - John Resig
Example with three logos of google, yahoo and bing.
<img src="" alt="Google Logo" /><br/>
<img src="" alt="Yahoo Logo" /><br/>
<img src="" alt="Bing Logo" />
// Function to get the Max value in Array
Array.max = function( array ){
return Math.max.apply( Math, array );
// Function to get the Min value in Array
Array.min = function( array ){
return Math.min.apply( Math, array );
//updated as per Sime Vidas comment.
var widths= $('img').map(function() {
return $(this).width();
alert("Max Width: " + Array.max(widths));
alert("Min Width: " + Array.min(widths));
P.S: jsfiddle here