C# Version Of SQL LIKE

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天涯浪人 2020-11-29 02:12

Is there any way to search patterns in strings in C#?

Something like Sql LIKE would be very useful.

  • 2020-11-29 02:13

    Simply .Contains() would do the work for you.

    "Example String".Contains("amp");   //like '%amp%'

    This would return true, and performing a select on it would return the desired output.

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  • 2020-11-29 02:15

    Check out this question - How to do SQL Like % in Linq?

    Also, for more advanced string pattern searching, there are lots of tutorials on using Regular Expressions - e.g. http://www.codeproject.com/KB/dotnet/regextutorial.aspx

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:18

    As aready proposed in this answer and this other answer Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators.LikeString could be a good option for simple tasks, when a RegExp is overkill. Syntax is different from RegExp and SQL LIKE operator, but it's really simple to learn (mainly because it's also very limited).

    Assembly Microsoft.VisualBasic must be added as a reference to the project to use this method.

    For more information see Operators.LikeString Method and for a description of the syntax see Like Operator (Visual Basic).

    It can be used as an extension method to String class:

    /// <summary>
    /// Visual Basic like operator. Performs simple, case insensitive, string pattern matching.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="thisString"></param>
    /// <param name="pattern"> ? = Any single character. * = Zero or more characters. # = Any single digit (0–9)</param>
    /// <returns>true if the string matches the pattern</returns>
    public static bool Like(this string thisString, string pattern)
        => Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Operators
            .LikeString(thisString, pattern, Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompareMethod.Text);
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:19

    There are couple of ways you can search as "LIKE" operator of SQL in C#. If you just want to know whether the pattern exists in the string variable, you can use

    string value = "samplevalue";
            value.Contains("eva"); // like '%eva%'
             value.StartsWith("eva");  // like 'eva%'
            value.EndsWith("eva"); // like '%eva'

    if you want to search the pattern from a list of string, you should use LINQ to Object Features.

                List<string> valuee = new List<string> { "samplevalue1", "samplevalue2", "samplevalue3" };
            List<string> contains = (List<string>) (from val in valuee
                                            where val.Contains("pattern")
                                            select val); // like '%pattern%'
            List<string> starts = (List<string>) (from val in valuee
                                          where val.StartsWith("pattern")
                                          select val);// like 'pattern%'
            List<string> ends = (List<string>) (from val in valuee                          
                                        where val.EndsWith ("pattern")
                                        select val);// like '%pattern'
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:19

    When I ran into this on a contract, I had no other option than to have a 100% compliant TransactSQL LIKE function. Below is the result - a static function and a string extension method. I'm sure it can be optimized further, but it's pretty fast and passed my long list of test scenarios. Hope it helps someone!

    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    namespace SqlLikeSample
        public class TestSqlLikeFunction
            static void Main(string[] args)
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%", "");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%", " ");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%", "asdfa asdf asdf");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%", "%");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "_", "");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "_", " ");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "_", "4");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "_", "C");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "_", "CX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "[ABCD]", "");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "[ABCD]", "A");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "[ABCD]", "b");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "[ABCD]", "X");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "[ABCD]", "AB");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "[B-D]", "C");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "[B-D]", "D");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "[B-D]", "A");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "[^B-D]", "C");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "[^B-D]", "D");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "[^B-D]", "A");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%TEST[ABCD]XXX", "lolTESTBXXX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%TEST[ABCD]XXX", "lolTESTZXXX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%TEST[^ABCD]XXX", "lolTESTBXXX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%TEST[^ABCD]XXX", "lolTESTZXXX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%TEST[B-D]XXX", "lolTESTBXXX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%TEST[^B-D]XXX", "lolTESTZXXX");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff.txt", "Stuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff.txt", "MagicStuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff.txt", "MagicStuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff.txt", "Stuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff.txt", "MagicStuff001.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "Stuff.txt%", "Stuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "Stuff.txt%", "Stuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff.txt%", "MagicStuff001.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff.txt%", "Stuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff.txt%", "Stuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff.txt%", "MagicStuff001.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt", "Stuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt", "MagicStuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff%.txt", "MagicStuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff%.txt", "Stuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "%Stuff%.txt", "MagicStuff001.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt", "MagicStuff001.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "Stuff%.txt%", "Stuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "Stuff%.txt%", "Stuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff001.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff001.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt%", "Stuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt%", "Stuff.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff001.txt.img");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "%Stuff%.txt%", "MagicStuff001.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(true, "_Stuff_.txt_", "1Stuff3.txt4");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "_Stuff_.txt_", "1Stuff.txt4");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "_Stuff_.txt_", "1Stuff3.txt");
                TestSqlLikePattern(false, "_Stuff_.txt_", "Stuff3.txt4");
            public static void TestSqlLikePattern(bool expectedResult, string pattern, string testString)
                bool result = testString.SqlLike(pattern);
                if (expectedResult != result)
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; System.Console.Out.Write("[SqlLike] FAIL");
                    Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; Console.Write("[SqlLike] PASS");
                Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.White; Console.WriteLine(": \"" + testString + "\" LIKE \"" + pattern + "\" == " + expectedResult);
        public static class SqlLikeStringExtensions
            public static bool SqlLike(this string s, string pattern)
                return SqlLikeStringUtilities.SqlLike(pattern, s);
        public static class SqlLikeStringUtilities
            public static bool SqlLike(string pattern, string str)
                bool isMatch = true,
                    isWildCardOn = false,
                    isCharWildCardOn = false,
                    isCharSetOn = false,
                    isNotCharSetOn = false,
                    endOfPattern = false;
                int lastWildCard = -1;
                int patternIndex = 0;
                List<char> set = new List<char>();
                char p = '\0';
                for (int i = 0; i < str.Length; i++)
                    char c = str[i];
                    endOfPattern = (patternIndex >= pattern.Length);
                    if (!endOfPattern)
                        p = pattern[patternIndex];
                        if (!isWildCardOn && p == '%')
                            lastWildCard = patternIndex;
                            isWildCardOn = true;
                            while (patternIndex < pattern.Length &&
                                pattern[patternIndex] == '%')
                            if (patternIndex >= pattern.Length) p = '\0';
                            else p = pattern[patternIndex];
                        else if (p == '_')
                            isCharWildCardOn = true;
                        else if (p == '[')
                            if (pattern[++patternIndex] == '^')
                                isNotCharSetOn = true;
                            else isCharSetOn = true;
                            if (pattern[patternIndex + 1] == '-' && pattern[patternIndex + 3] == ']')
                                char start = char.ToUpper(pattern[patternIndex]);
                                patternIndex += 2;
                                char end = char.ToUpper(pattern[patternIndex]);
                                if (start <= end)
                                    for (char ci = start; ci <= end; ci++)
                            while (patternIndex < pattern.Length &&
                                pattern[patternIndex] != ']')
                    if (isWildCardOn)
                        if (char.ToUpper(c) == char.ToUpper(p))
                            isWildCardOn = false;
                    else if (isCharWildCardOn)
                        isCharWildCardOn = false;
                    else if (isCharSetOn || isNotCharSetOn)
                        bool charMatch = (set.Contains(char.ToUpper(c)));
                        if ((isNotCharSetOn && charMatch) || (isCharSetOn && !charMatch))
                            if (lastWildCard >= 0) patternIndex = lastWildCard;
                                isMatch = false;
                        isNotCharSetOn = isCharSetOn = false;
                        if (char.ToUpper(c) == char.ToUpper(p))
                            if (lastWildCard >= 0) patternIndex = lastWildCard;
                                isMatch = false;
                endOfPattern = (patternIndex >= pattern.Length);
                if (isMatch && !endOfPattern)
                    bool isOnlyWildCards = true;
                    for (int i = patternIndex; i < pattern.Length; i++)
                        if (pattern[i] != '%')
                            isOnlyWildCards = false;
                    if (isOnlyWildCards) endOfPattern = true;
                return isMatch && endOfPattern;
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:19



    public static bool LikeString(
        string Source,
        string Pattern,
        CompareMethod CompareOption
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