How to check validity of URL in Swift?

后端 未结 22 1680
不知归路 2020-11-29 02:05

Trying to make an app launch the default browser to a URL, but only if the URL entered is valid, otherwise it displays a message saying the URL is invalid.

How would

  • 2020-11-29 02:07

    Try this:

    func isValid(urlString: String) -> Bool
        if let urlComponents = URLComponents.init(string: urlString), != nil, urlComponents.url != nil
            return true
        return false

    This simply checks for valid URL components and if the host and url components are not nil. Also, you can just add this to an extensions file

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  • 2020-11-29 02:11

    My personal preference is to approach this with an extension, because I like to call the method directly on the string object.

    extension String {
        private func matches(pattern: String) -> Bool {
            let regex = try! NSRegularExpression(
                pattern: pattern,
                options: [.caseInsensitive])
            return regex.firstMatch(
                in: self,
                options: [],
                range: NSRange(location: 0, length: utf16.count)) != nil
        func isValidURL() -> Bool {
            guard let url = URL(string: self) else { return false }
            if !UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) {
                return false
            let urlPattern = "^(http|https|ftp)\\://([a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\-]+(\\:[a-zA-Z0-9\\.&%\\$\\-]+)*@)*((25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9])\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[1-9]|0)\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[0-1]{1}[0-9]{2}|[1-9]{1}[0-9]{1}|[0-9])|localhost|([a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.)*[a-zA-Z0-9\\-]+\\.(com|edu|gov|int|mil|net|org|biz|arpa|info|name|pro|aero|coop|museum|[a-zA-Z]{2}))(\\:[0-9]+)*(/($|[a-zA-Z0-9\\.\\,\\?\\'\\\\\\+&%\\$#\\=~_\\-]+))*$"
            return self.matches(pattern: urlPattern)

    This way it is also extensible with another use-cases, such as isValidEmail, isValidName or whatever your application requires.

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  • 2020-11-29 02:12

    You can use the NSURL type (whose constructor returns an optional type) combined with an if-let statement to check the validity of a given URL. In other words, make use of the NSURL failable initializer, a key feature of Swift:

    let stringWithPossibleURL: String = self.textField.text // Or another source of text
    if let validURL: NSURL = NSURL(string: stringWithPossibleURL) {
        // Successfully constructed an NSURL; open it
    } else {
        // Initialization failed; alert the user
        let controller: UIAlertController = UIAlertController(title: "Invalid URL", message: "Please try again.", preferredStyle: .Alert)
        controller.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: .Default, handler: nil))
        self.presentViewController(controller, animated: true, completion: nil)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:13

    Version that works with Swift 4.2 and has reliable URL pattern matching ...

    func matches(pattern: String) -> Bool
            let regex = try NSRegularExpression(pattern: pattern, options: [.caseInsensitive])
            return regex.firstMatch(in: self, options: [], range: NSRange(location: 0, length: utf16.count)) != nil
            return false
    func isValidURL() -> Bool
        guard let url = URL(string: self) else { return false }
        if !UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) { return false }
        let urlPattern = "(http|ftp|https):\\/\\/([\\w+?\\.\\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\~\\!\\@\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)_\\-\\=\\+\\\\\\/\\?\\.\\:\\;\\'\\,]*)?"
        return self.matches(pattern: urlPattern)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:14

    Swift 5.1 Solution

    extension String {
        func canOpenUrl() -> Bool {
            guard let url = URL(string: self), UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url) else { return false }
            let regEx = "((https|http)://)((\\w|-)+)(([.]|[/])((\\w|-)+))+"
            let predicate = NSPredicate(format:"SELF MATCHES %@", argumentArray:[regEx])
            return predicate.evaluate(with: self)
    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-29 02:16

    If your goal is to verify if your application can open a URL, here is what you can do. Although safari can open the URL, the website might not exist or it might be down.

    `// Swift 5
     func verifyUrl (urlString: String?) -> Bool {
        if let urlString = urlString {
            if let url = NSURL(string: urlString) {
                return UIApplication.shared.canOpenURL(url as URL)
        return false

    As a side note, this does not check whether or not a URL is valid or complete. For example, a call that passes "https://" returns true.

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