I\'ve models for Books
, Chapters
and Pages
. They are all written by a User
from django.db import models
I think you'd be happier with a simpler data model, also.
Is it really true that a Page is in some Chapter but a different book?
userMe = User( username="me" )
userYou= User( username="you" )
bookMyA = Book( userMe )
bookYourB = Book( userYou )
chapterA1 = Chapter( book= bookMyA, author=userYou ) # "me" owns the Book, "you" owns the chapter?
chapterB2 = Chapter( book= bookYourB, author=userMe ) # "you" owns the book, "me" owns the chapter?
page1 = Page( book= bookMyA, chapter= chapterB2, author=userMe ) # Book and Author aggree, chapter doesn't?
It seems like your model is too complex.
I think you'd be happier with something simpler. I'm just guessing at this, since I don't your know entire problem.
class Book(models.Model)
name = models.CharField(...)
class Chapter(models.Model)
name = models.CharField(...)
book = models.ForeignKey(Book)
class Page(models.Model)
author = models.ForeignKey('auth.User')
chapter = models.ForeignKey(Chapter)
Each page has distinct authorship. Each chapter, then, has a collection of authors, as does the book. Now you can duplicate Book, Chapter and Pages, assigning the cloned Pages to the new Author.
Indeed, you might want to have a many-to-many relationship between Page and Chapter, allowing you to have multiple copies of just the Page, without cloning book and Chapter.
I experimented the Stephen G Tuggy's solution and I found it very clever but, unfortunatly, it won't work in some special situations.
Let's suppose the following scenario:
class FattAqp(models.Model):
descr = models.CharField('descrizione', max_length=200)
ef = models.ForeignKey(Esercizio, ...)
forn = models.ForeignKey(Fornitore, ...)
class Periodo(models.Model):
# id usato per identificare i documenti
# periodo rilevato in fattura
data_i_p = models.DateField('data inizio', blank=True)
idfatt = models.ForeignKey(FattAqp, related_name='periodo')
class Lettura(models.Model):
mc_i = models.DecimalField(max_digits=7, ...)
faqp = models.ForeignKey(FattAqp, related_name='lettura')
an_im = models.ForeignKey('cnd.AnagImm', ..)
class DettFAqp(models.Model):
imponibile = models.DecimalField(...)
voce = models.ForeignKey(VoceAqp, ...)
periodo = models.ForeignKey(Periodo, related_name='dettfaqp')
In this case, if we try to deep-copy a FattAqp instance, ef, forn, an_im and voce fields will not correctly set; on the other hand idfatt, faqp, periodo will.
I solved the problem by adding one more parameter to the function and with a slight modification to the code. I tested it with Python 3.6 and Django 2.2 Here is it:
def duplicate_model_with_descendants(obj, whitelist, _new_parent_pk=None, static_fk=None):
kwargs = {}
children_to_clone = OrderedDict()
for field in obj._meta.get_fields():
if field.name == "id":
elif field.one_to_many:
if field.name in whitelist:
these_children = list(getattr(obj, field.name).all())
if field.name in children_to_clone:
children_to_clone[field.name] |= these_children
children_to_clone[field.name] = these_children
elif field.many_to_one:
name_with_id = field.name + '_id'
if _new_parent_pk:
kwargs[name_with_id] = _new_parent_pk
if name_with_id in static_fk:
kwargs[name_with_id] = getattr(obj, name_with_id)
elif field.concrete:
kwargs[field.name] = getattr(obj, field.name)
new_instance = obj.__class__(**kwargs)
new_instance_pk = new_instance.pk
for ky in children_to_clone.keys():
child_collection = getattr(new_instance, ky)
for child in children_to_clone[ky]:
duplicate_model_with_descendants(child, whitelist=whitelist, _new_parent_pk=new_instance_pk,static_fk=static_fk))
Example usage:
original_record = FattAqp.objects.get(pk=4)
WHITELIST = ['lettura', 'periodo', 'dettfaqp']
STATIC_FK = ['fornitore_id','ef_id','an_im_id', 'voce_id']
duplicate_record = duplicate_model_with_descendants(original_record, WHITELIST, static_fk=STATIC_FK)
Proposed solutions didn't work for me, so I went the simple, not clever way. This is only useful for simple cases.
For a model with the following structure
|__ CroppedFace
|__ Photo
|__ AwsReco
|__ AwsLabel
|__ AwsFace
|__ AwsEmotion
this works
def duplicate_book(book: Book, new_user: MyUser):
# AwsEmotion, AwsFace, AwsLabel, AwsReco, Photo, CroppedFace, Book
old_cropped_faces = book.croppedface_set.all()
old_photos = book.photo_set.all()
book.pk = None
book.user = new_user
for cf in old_cropped_faces:
cf.pk = None
cf.book = book
for photo in old_photos:
photo.pk = None
photo.book = book
if hasattr(photo, 'awsreco'):
reco = photo.awsreco
old_aws_labels = reco.awslabel_set.all()
old_aws_faces = reco.awsface_set.all()
reco.pk = None
reco.photo = photo
for label in old_aws_labels:
label.pk = None
label.reco = reco
for face in old_aws_faces:
old_aws_emotions = face.awsemotion_set.all()
face.pk = None
face.reco = reco
for emotion in old_aws_emotions:
emotion.pk = None
emotion.aws_face = face
return book
I haven't tried it in django but python's deepcopy might just work for you
You can define custom copy behavior for your models if you implement functions:
__copy__() and __deepcopy__()
this is an edit of http://www.djangosnippets.org/snippets/1282/
It's now compatible with the Collector which replaced CollectedObjects in 1.3.
I didn't really test this too heavily, but did test it with an object with about 20,000 sub-objects, but in only about three layers of foreign-key depth. Use at your own risk of course.
For the ambitious guy who reads this post, you should consider subclassing Collector (or copying the entire class to remove this dependency on this unpublished section of the django API) to a class called something like "DuplicateCollector" and writing a .duplicate method that works similarly to the .delete method. that would solve this problem in a real way.
from django.db.models.deletion import Collector
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey
def duplicate(obj, value=None, field=None, duplicate_order=None):
Duplicate all related objects of obj setting
field to value. If one of the duplicate
objects has an FK to another duplicate object
update that as well. Return the duplicate copy
of obj.
duplicate_order is a list of models which specify how
the duplicate objects are saved. For complex objects
this can matter. Check to save if objects are being
saved correctly and if not just pass in related objects
in the order that they should be saved.
collector = Collector({})
related_models = collector.data.keys()
data_snapshot = {}
for key in collector.data.keys():
data_snapshot.update({ key: dict(zip([item.pk for item in collector.data[key]], [item for item in collector.data[key]])) })
root_obj = None
# Sometimes it's good enough just to save in reverse deletion order.
if duplicate_order is None:
duplicate_order = reversed(related_models)
for model in duplicate_order:
# Find all FKs on model that point to a related_model.
fks = []
for f in model._meta.fields:
if isinstance(f, ForeignKey) and f.rel.to in related_models:
# Replace each `sub_obj` with a duplicate.
if model not in collector.data:
sub_objects = collector.data[model]
for obj in sub_objects:
for fk in fks:
fk_value = getattr(obj, "%s_id" % fk.name)
# If this FK has been duplicated then point to the duplicate.
fk_rel_to = data_snapshot[fk.rel.to]
if fk_value in fk_rel_to:
dupe_obj = fk_rel_to[fk_value]
setattr(obj, fk.name, dupe_obj)
# Duplicate the object and save it.
obj.id = None
if field is not None:
setattr(obj, field, value)
if root_obj is None:
root_obj = obj
return root_obj
EDIT: Removed a debugging "print" statement.
If there's just a couple copies in the database you're building, I've found you can just use the back button in the admin interface, change the necessary fields and save the instance again. This has worked for me in cases where, for instance, I need to build a "gimlet" and a "vodka gimlet" cocktail where the only difference is replacing the name and an ingredient. Obviously, this requires a little foresight of the data and isn't as powerful as overriding django's copy/deepcopy - but it may do the trick for some.