I\'ve models for Books
, Chapters
and Pages
. They are all written by a User
from django.db import models
This no longer works in Django 1.3 as CollectedObjects was removed. See changeset 14507
I posted my solution on Django Snippets. It's based heavily on the django.db.models.query.CollectedObject code used for deleting objects:
from django.db.models.query import CollectedObjects
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey
def duplicate(obj, value, field):
Duplicate all related objects of `obj` setting
`field` to `value`. If one of the duplicate
objects has an FK to another duplicate object
update that as well. Return the duplicate copy
of `obj`.
collected_objs = CollectedObjects()
related_models = collected_objs.keys()
root_obj = None
# Traverse the related models in reverse deletion order.
for model in reversed(related_models):
# Find all FKs on `model` that point to a `related_model`.
fks = []
for f in model._meta.fields:
if isinstance(f, ForeignKey) and f.rel.to in related_models:
# Replace each `sub_obj` with a duplicate.
sub_obj = collected_objs[model]
for pk_val, obj in sub_obj.iteritems():
for fk in fks:
fk_value = getattr(obj, "%s_id" % fk.name)
# If this FK has been duplicated then point to the duplicate.
if fk_value in collected_objs[fk.rel.to]:
dupe_obj = collected_objs[fk.rel.to][fk_value]
setattr(obj, fk.name, dupe_obj)
# Duplicate the object and save it.
obj.id = None
setattr(obj, field, value)
if root_obj is None:
root_obj = obj
return root_obj
Using the CollectedObjects snippet above no longer works but can be done with the following modification:
from django.contrib.admin.util import NestedObjects
from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS
collector = NestedObjects(using=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS)
instead of CollectorObjects
There is an option to create a duplicate/clone/save-as-new in django admin.
@admin.register(Book) class BookAdmin(models.ModelAdmin): save_as = True
and this will create a "Save as New" button in your admin panel to completely clone the model object with all it's related fields.
I had no luck with any of the answers here with Django 2.1.2, so I created a generic way of performing a deep copy of a database model that is heavily based on the answers posted above.
The key differences from the answers above is that ForeignKey
no longer has an attribute called rel
, so it has to be changed to f.remote_field.model
Furthermore, because of the difficulty of knowing the order the database models should be copied in, I created a simple queuing system that pushes the current model to the end of the list if it is unsuccessfully copied. The code is postet below:
import queue
from django.contrib.admin.utils import NestedObjects
from django.db.models.fields.related import ForeignKey
def duplicate(obj, field=None, value=None, max_retries=5):
# Use the Nested Objects collector to retrieve the related models
collector = NestedObjects(using='default')
related_models = list(collector.data.keys())
# Create an object to map old primary keys to new ones
data_snapshot = {}
model_queue = queue.Queue()
for key in related_models:
{key: {item.pk: None for item in collector.data[key]}}
# For each of the models in related models copy their instances
root_obj = None
attempt_count = 0
while not model_queue.empty():
model = model_queue.get()
root_obj, success = copy_instances(model, related_models, collector, data_snapshot, root_obj)
# If the copy is not a success, it probably means that not
# all the related fields for the model has been copied yet.
# The current model is therefore pushed to the end of the list to be copied last
if not success:
# If the last model is unsuccessful or the number of max retries is reached, raise an error
if model_queue.empty() or attempt_count > max_retries:
raise DuplicationError(model)
attempt_count += 1
return root_obj
def copy_instances(model, related_models, collector, data_snapshot, root_obj):
# Store all foreign keys for the model in a list
fks = []
for f in model._meta.fields:
if isinstance(f, ForeignKey) and f.remote_field.model in related_models:
# Iterate over the instances of the model
for obj in collector.data[model]:
# For each of the models foreign keys check if the related object has been copied
# and if so, assign its personal key to the current objects related field
for fk in fks:
pk_field = f"{fk.name}_id"
fk_value = getattr(obj, pk_field)
# Fetch the dictionary containing the old ids
fk_rel_to = data_snapshot[fk.remote_field.model]
# If the value exists and is in the dictionary assign it to the object
if fk_value is not None and fk_value in fk_rel_to:
dupe_pk = fk_rel_to[fk_value]
# If the desired pk is none it means that the related object has not been copied yet
# so the function returns unsuccessful
if dupe_pk is None:
return root_obj, False
setattr(obj, pk_field, dupe_pk)
# Store the old pk and save the object without an id to create a shallow copy of the object
old_pk = obj.id
obj.id = None
if field is not None:
setattr(obj, field, value)
# Store the new id in the data snapshot object for potential use on later objects
data_snapshot[model][old_pk] = obj.id
if root_obj is None:
root_obj = obj
return root_obj, True
I hope it is of any help :)
The duplication error is just a simple exception extension:
class DuplicationError(Exception):
Is raised when a duplication operation did not succeed
model -- The database model that failed
def __init__(self, model):
self.error_model = model
def __str__(self):
return f'Was not able to duplicate database objects for model {self.error_model}'
Here is a somewhat simple-minded solution. This does not depend on any undocumented Django APIs. It assumes that you want to duplicate a single parent record, along with its child, grandchild, etc. records. You pass in a whitelist of classes that should actually be duplicated, in the form of a list
of names of the one-to-many relationships on each parent object that point to its child objects. This code assumes that, given the above whitelist, the entire tree is self-contained, with no external references to worry about.
This solution doesn't do anything special for the author
field above. I'm not sure if it would work with that. Like others have said, that author
field probably shouldn't be repeated in different model classes.
One more thing about this code: it is truly recursive, in that it calls itself for each new level of descendants.
from collections import OrderedDict
def duplicate_model_with_descendants(obj, whitelist, _new_parent_pk=None):
kwargs = {}
children_to_clone = OrderedDict()
for field in obj._meta.get_fields():
if field.name == "id":
elif field.one_to_many:
if field.name in whitelist:
these_children = list(getattr(obj, field.name).all())
if children_to_clone.has_key(field.name):
children_to_clone[field.name] |= these_children
children_to_clone[field.name] = these_children
elif field.many_to_one:
if _new_parent_pk:
kwargs[field.name + '_id'] = _new_parent_pk
elif field.concrete:
kwargs[field.name] = getattr(obj, field.name)
new_instance = obj.__class__(**kwargs)
new_instance_pk = new_instance.pk
for ky in children_to_clone.keys():
child_collection = getattr(new_instance, ky)
for child in children_to_clone[ky]:
child_collection.add(duplicate_model_with_descendants(child, whitelist=whitelist, _new_parent_pk=new_instance_pk))
return new_instance
Example usage:
from django.db import models
class Book(models.Model)
author = models.ForeignKey('auth.User')
class Chapter(models.Model)
# author = models.ForeignKey('auth.User')
book = models.ForeignKey(Book, related_name='chapters')
class Page(models.Model)
# author = models.ForeignKey('auth.User')
# book = models.ForeignKey(Book)
chapter = models.ForeignKey(Chapter, related_name='pages')
WHITELIST = ['books', 'chapters', 'pages']
original_record = models.Book.objects.get(pk=1)
duplicate_record = duplicate_model_with_descendants(original_record, WHITELIST)
I tried a few of the answers in Django 2.2/Python 3.6 and they didn't seem to copy one-to-many and many-to-many related objects. Also, many included hardcoding / incorporated foreknowledge of the data structures.
I wrote a way to do this in a more generic fashion, handling one-to-many and many-to-many related objects. Comments included, and I'm looking to improve upon it if you have suggestions:
def duplicate_object(self):
Duplicate a model instance, making copies of all foreign keys pointing to it.
There are 3 steps that need to occur in order:
1. Enumerate the related child objects and m2m relations, saving in lists/dicts
2. Copy the parent object per django docs (doesn't copy relations)
3a. Copy the child objects, relating to the copied parent object
3b. Re-create the m2m relations on the copied parent object
related_objects_to_copy = []
relations_to_set = {}
# Iterate through all the fields in the parent object looking for related fields
for field in self._meta.get_fields():
if field.one_to_many:
# One to many fields are backward relationships where many child
# objects are related to the parent. Enumerate them and save a list
# so we can copy them after duplicating our parent object.
print(f'Found a one-to-many field: {field.name}')
# 'field' is a ManyToOneRel which is not iterable, we need to get
# the object attribute itself.
related_object_manager = getattr(self, field.name)
related_objects = list(related_object_manager.all())
if related_objects:
print(f' - {len(related_objects)} related objects to copy')
related_objects_to_copy += related_objects
elif field.many_to_one:
# In testing, these relationships are preserved when the parent
# object is copied, so they don't need to be copied separately.
print(f'Found a many-to-one field: {field.name}')
elif field.many_to_many:
# Many to many fields are relationships where many parent objects
# can be related to many child objects. Because of this the child
# objects don't need to be copied when we copy the parent, we just
# need to re-create the relationship to them on the copied parent.
print(f'Found a many-to-many field: {field.name}')
related_object_manager = getattr(self, field.name)
relations = list(related_object_manager.all())
if relations:
print(f' - {len(relations)} relations to set')
relations_to_set[field.name] = relations
# Duplicate the parent object
self.pk = None
print(f'Copied parent object ({str(self)})')
# Copy the one-to-many child objects and relate them to the copied parent
for related_object in related_objects_to_copy:
# Iterate through the fields in the related object to find the one that
# relates to the parent model.
for related_object_field in related_object._meta.fields:
if related_object_field.related_model == self.__class__:
# If the related_model on this field matches the parent
# object's class, perform the copy of the child object and set
# this field to the parent object, creating the new
# child -> parent relationship.
related_object.pk = None
setattr(related_object, related_object_field.name, self)
text = str(related_object)
text = (text[:40] + '..') if len(text) > 40 else text
print(f'|- Copied child object ({text})')
# Set the many-to-many relations on the copied parent
for field_name, relations in relations_to_set.items():
# Get the field by name and set the relations, creating the new
# relationships.
field = getattr(self, field_name)
text_relations = []
for relation in relations:
print(f'|- Set {len(relations)} many-to-many relations on {field_name} {text_relations}')
return self