I have a Card
component and a CardGroup
component, and I\'d like to throw an error when CardGroup
has children that aren\'t Card
I published the package that allows to validate the types of React elements https://www.npmjs.com/package/react-element-proptypes :
const ElementPropTypes = require('react-element-proptypes');
const Modal = ({ header, items }) => (
Modal.propTypes = {
header: ElementPropTypes.elementOfType(Header).isRequired,
items: React.PropTypes.arrayOf(ElementPropTypes.elementOfType(Item))
// render Modal
header={<Header title="This is modal" />}
You can use the displayName for each child, accessed via type:
for (child in this.props.children){
if (this.props.children[child].type.displayName != 'Card'){
console.log("Warning CardGroup has children that aren't Card components");