Any ideas what ????
should be? Is there a built in?
What would be the best way to accomplish this task?
(def v [\"one\" \"two\" \"three\" \"two
I was attempting to answer my own question, but Brian beat me to it with a better answer!
(defn indices-of [f coll]
(keep-indexed #(if (f %2) %1 nil) coll))
(defn first-index-of [f coll]
(first (indices-of f coll)))
(defn find-thing [value coll]
(first-index-of #(= % value) coll))
(find-thing "two" ["one" "two" "three" "two"]) ; 1
(find-thing "two" '("one" "two" "three")) ; 1
;; these answers are a bit silly
(find-thing "two" #{"one" "two" "three"}) ; 1
(find-thing "two" {"one" "two" "two" "three"}) ; nil
I recently had to find indexes several times or rather I chose to since it was easier than figuring out another way of approaching the problem. Along the way I discovered that my Clojure lists didn't have the .indexOf(Object object, int start) method. I dealt with the problem like so:
(defn index-of
"Returns the index of item. If start is given indexes prior to
start are skipped."
([coll item] (.indexOf coll item))
([coll item start]
(let [unadjusted-index (.indexOf (drop start coll) item)]
(if (= -1 unadjusted-index)
(+ unadjusted-index start)))))