I am trying to install numpy on macOS X but after executing the command pip install numpy
I am getting the error:
Environment error :[err
As a windows user, run an Admin powershell and launch :
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
Well, in my case the problem had a different cause, the Windows path Length Check this.
I was installing a library on a virtualenv
which made the path get longer. As the library was installed, it created some files under site-packages
. This made the path exceed Windows limit throwing this error.
Hope it helps someone =)
I just ran the command with sudo:
sudo pip install numpy
Bear in mind that you will be asked for the user's password. This was tested on macOS High Sierra (10.13)
On Windows this has worked for me. From the command line, specify the path to the exe for Python: & "C:/Program Files (x86)/Python37-32/python.exe" -m pip install --upgrade pip --user