I am new to Android. When I am running my android application in eclipse I am getting these messages in the console:
[2011-03-08 12:57:35 - HelloWorld] ----
I had imported an existing project and started running... i too was facing the same problem (WARNING: Application does not specify an API Device API version is 11 (Android 3.0) ). After all my attempts to resolve that failed,I just created new project under other package to maintain the same names and copied all the file contents of the previously imporetd projects manually and again started running...to my surprise it successfully executed in my first attempt...i think the problem was due to the lack of compatibilty of versions when imported...i hope it may help few...
Try changing the ADB connection timeout. I think it defaults that to 5000ms and I changed mine to 10000ms to get rid of that problem. If you are in Eclipse, you can do this by going through Window -> Preferences and then it is in DDMS under Android.
As described here: Android error: Failed to install *.apk on device *: timeout
1) remove the apk from this directory project/build/outputs/apk
2) If you using genymotion emulator restart the genymotion
3) make project & rebuild the project
4) Run Again
Restarting the device works for me. Using adb install can get the apk installed, but it's annoying to use it everytime you launch the app when debugging within eclipse.
Something else you might want to consider is a hard reset of your emulator by wiping your user data.
In order to do this you: - right click your project name in package explorer - go to 'run as' then 'run configuration' - in the 'run configuration' window click the 'target' tab - then tick the name of your chosen emulator - tick 'wipe user data', click apply
And the next time you start up your emulator it should prompt you asking whether you really want to wipe your data. Click yes, and hopefully it helps you to install the app.
If unplugging the device and plugging it back in doesn't work, try increasing the upload timeout to something really huge like 20000 ms. It's at Window → Preferences → Android → DDMS → "ADB connection time out (ms)".