I have searched StackOverflow for a while, but I just wanted to make sure...
I wiped my laptop a while ago, and backed up all my files. I have my android.jks file ba
[Update: This no longer works in Android studio 3.0 and above]
I faced the similar problem and none of the solutions worked after wasting 3 hours on Internet, I decided to dig deep.
Here is how I solved it: The "Cannot recover key" error for me was because my "Keystore password" was correct but the "Key Password" (of the key alias) was incorrect. I was pretty sure the both passwords were same but to my dismay they weren't and I didn't know what the second password was. As I had already signed an APK before I checked out the log file which can be found:
Open the log files from the date which you had signed the apk and look for the following entries:
INFO - .project.GradleExecutionHelper - Passing command-line args to Gradle Tooling API: [--configure-on-demand, -Pandroid.injected.invoked.from.ide=true,
-Pandroid.injected.signing.key.password=***Key password***,
And you will find the passwords in plain text. This will even work if you forget passwords.
I was facing the same problem. In my case, After sync project with gradle files resolved this issue. This might help someone.
It may help someone.
Some days before I backed up my android project on gitlab and then installed windows 10. After that I cloned it. I knew the key alias and both the passwords exactly.
Then while generating signed apk I entered those credentials but failed.
I had placed the jks file in the app folder. I removed it from there and created separate folder in root folder of android project and placed jks file there.
Then I tried clean, rebuild project and then restarted android studio. Finally it built the signed apk :D
I'm not surprised this didn't gain any traction, but here is what I did for anyone who stumbles onto this post.
As I said, all of my files were backed up. I restored the android.jks file from an older backup. Then, I opened a Terminal window and typed in the following:
keytool -storepasswd -new [insert new keystore password] -keystore [insert keystore file name]
keytool -keypasswd -alias [insert alias] -new [insert new key password] -keystore [insert keystore file name]
The keystore and key passwords have to be the same! This fixed my problem, and I hope it helps you too.
If it can help anyone - the problem in my case was that the "Key store password" and "Key password" were incorrect.
This issue occurs only when your Key Password Or Keystore Password Mis-matching.