I have an array like this:
arr = []
arr[0] = \"ab\"
arr[1] = \"abcdefgh\"
arr[2] = \"abcd\"
After sorting, the output array should be:
I adapted @shareef's answer to make it concise. I use,
.sort(function(arg1, arg2) { return arg1.length - arg2.length })
Here is the sort, depending on the length of a string with javascript as you asked:
[the solution of the problem by bubble sort][1]
[1]: http://jsfiddle.net/sssonline2/vcme3/2/enter code here
We can use Array.sort method to sort this array.
var array = ["ab", "abcdefgh", "abcd"];
array.sort(function(a, b){return b.length - a.length});
console.log(JSON.stringify(array, null, '\t'));
For ascending sort order:
a.length - b.length
For descending sort order:
b.length - a.length
Attention: not all browsers can understand ES6 code!
In ES6 we can use an arrow function expressions.
let array = ["ab", "abcdefgh", "abcd"];
array.sort((a, b) => b.length - a.length);
console.log(JSON.stringify(array, null, '\t'));
This code should do the trick:
var array = ["ab", "abcdefgh", "abcd"];
array.sort(function(a, b){return b.length - a.length});
console.log(JSON.stringify(array, null, '\t'));
Based on Salman's answer, I've written a small function to encapsulate it:
function sortArrayByLength(arr, ascYN) {
arr.sort(function (a, b) { // sort array by length of text
if (ascYN) return a.length - b.length; // ASC -> a - b
else return b.length - a.length; // DESC -> b - a
then just call it with
sortArrayByLength( myArray, true );
Note that unfortunately, functions can/should not be added to the Array prototype, as explained on this page.
Also, it modified the array passed as a parameter and doesn't return anything. This would force the duplication of the array and wouldn't be great for large arrays. If someone has a better idea, please do comment!
If you want to preserve the order of the element with the same length as the original array, use bubble sort.
Input = ["ab","cdc","abcd","de"];
Output = ["ab","cd","cdc","abcd"]
function bubbleSort(strArray){
const arrayLength = Object.keys(strArray).length;
var swapp;
var newLen = arrayLength-1;
var sortedStrArrByLenght=strArray;
do {
swapp = false;
for (var i=0; i < newLen; i++)
if (sortedStrArrByLenght[i].length > sortedStrArrByLenght[i+1].length)
var temp = sortedStrArrByLenght[i];
sortedStrArrByLenght[i] = sortedStrArrByLenght[i+1];
sortedStrArrByLenght[i+1] = temp;
swapp = true;
} while (swap);
return sortedStrArrByLenght;