Use this class (the one that EricLarch's answer is derived from).
Usage Notes
This function replaces your inputs arrays with the FFT output.
- N = the number of data points (the size of your input array, must be a power of 2)
- X = the real part of your data to be transformed
- Y = the imaginary part of the data to be transformed
i.e. if your input is
(1+8i, 2+3j, 7-i, -10-3i)
- N = 4
- X = (1, 2, 7, -10)
- Y = (8, 3, -1, -3)
- X = the real part of the FFT output
- Y = the imaginary part of the FFT output
To get your classic FFT graph, you will want to calculate the magnitude of the real and imaginary parts.
Something like:
public double[] fftCalculator(double[] re, double[] im) {
if (re.length != im.length) return null;
FFT fft = new FFT(re.length);
fft.fft(re, im);
double[] fftMag = new double[re.length];
for (int i = 0; i < re.length; i++) {
fftMag[i] = Math.pow(re[i], 2) + Math.pow(im[i], 2);
return fftMag;
Also see this StackOverflow answer for how to get frequencies if your original input was magnitude vs. time.