Is there a way in java to create a string with a specified number of a specified character? In my case, I would need to create a string with 10 spaces. My current code is:
In most cases you only need Strings upto a certains length, say 100 spaces. You could prepare an array of Strings where the index number is equal to the size of the space-filled string and lookup the string, if the required length is within the limits or create it on demand if it's outside the boundary.
how about this?
public String fillSpaces(int len) {
/* the spaces string should contain spaces exceeding the max needed */
String spaces = " ";
return spaces.substring(0,len);
EDIT: I've written a simple code to test the concept and here what i found.
Method 1: adding single space in a loop:
public String execLoopSingleSpace(int len){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for(int i=0; i < len; i++) {
sb.append(' ');
return sb.toString();
Method 2: append 100 spaces and loop, then substring:
public String execLoopHundredSpaces(int len){
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(" ")
.append(" ").append(" ").append(" ")
.append(" ").append(" ").append(" ")
.append(" ").append(" ").append(" ");
for (int i=0; i < len/100 ; i++) {
sb.append(" ")
.append(" ").append(" ").append(" ")
.append(" ").append(" ").append(" ")
.append(" ").append(" ").append(" ");
return sb.toString().substring(0,len);
The result I get creating 12,345,678 spaces:
C:\docs\Projects> java FillSpace 12345678
method 1: append single spaces for 12345678 times. Time taken is **234ms**. Length of String is 12345678
method 2: append 100 spaces for 123456 times. Time taken is **141ms**. Length of String is 12345678
Process java exited with code 0
and for 10,000,000 spaces:
C:\docs\Projects> java FillSpace 10000000
method 1: append single spaces for 10000000 times. Time taken is **157ms**. Length of String is 10000000
method 2: append 100 spaces for 100000 times. Time taken is **109ms**. Length of String is 10000000
Process java exited with code 0
combining direct allocation and iteration always takes less time, on average 60ms less when creating huge spaces. For smaller sizes, both results are negligible.
But please continue to comment :-)
Use StringUtils: StringUtils.repeat(' ', 10)
Just replace your StringBuffer with a StringBuilder. Hard to beat that.
If your length is a big number, you might implement some more efficient (but more clumsy) self-appendding, duplicating the length in each iteration:
public static String dummyString(char c, int len) {
if( len < 1 ) return "";
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(len).append(c);
int remnant = len - sb.length();
while(remnant > 0) {
if( remnant >= sb.length() ) sb.append(sb);
else sb.append(sb.subSequence(0, remnant));
remnant = len - sb.length();
return sb.toString();
Also, you might try the Arrays.fill()
aproach (FrustratedWithFormsDesigner's answer).
In Java 8 you can use String.join
String.join("", Collections.nCopies(n, s));
I think this is the less code it's possible, it uses Guava Joiner class:
Joiner.on("").join(Collections.nCopies(10, " "));