What is the shortest chunk of C++ you can come up with to safely clean up a std::vector
or std::list
of pointers? (assuming you have to call delet
for (list<Foo*>::const_iterator i = foo_list.begin(), e = foo_list.end(); i != e; ++i)
delete *i;
The following hack deletes the pointers when your list goes out of scope using RAII or if you call list::clear().
template <typename T>
class Deleter {
Deleter(T* pointer) : pointer_(pointer) { }
Deleter(const Deleter& deleter) {
Deleter* d = const_cast<Deleter*>(&deleter);
pointer_ = d->pointer_;
d->pointer_ = 0;
~Deleter() { delete pointer_; }
T* pointer_;
std::list<Deleter<Foo> > foo_list;
foo_list.push_back(new Foo());
This seems cleanest imo, but your c++ version must support this type of iteration (I believe anything including or ahead of c++0x will work):
for (Object *i : container) delete i;
Actually, I believe the STD library provides a direct method of managing memory in the form of the allocator class
You can extend the basic allocator's deallocate() method to automatically delete the members of any container.
I /think/ this is the type of thing it's intended for.
void remove(Foo* foo) { delete foo; }
for_each( foo_list.begin(), foo_list.end(), remove );
Since we are throwing down the gauntlet here... "Shortest chunk of C++"
static bool deleteAll( Foo * theElement ) { delete theElement; return true; }
foo_list . remove_if ( deleteAll );
I think we can trust the folks who came up with STL to have efficient algorithms. Why reinvent the wheel?