Is it possible to write text on HTML5 canvas
It is easy to write text to a canvas. Lets say that you canvas is declared like below.
<canvas id="YourCanvas" width="500" height="500">
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This part of the code returns a variable into canvas which is a representation of your canvas in HTML.
var c = document.getElementById("YourCanvas");
The following code returns the methods for drawing lines, text, fills to your canvas.
var ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
ctx.font="20px Times Roman";
ctx.fillText("Hello World!",50,100);
ctx.font="30px Verdana";
var g = ctx.createLinearGradient(0,0,c.width,0);
ctx.fillStyle=g; //Sets the fille of your text here. In this case it is set to the gradient that was created above. But you could set it to Red, Green, Blue or whatever.
ctx.fillText("This is some new and funny TEXT!",40,190);
There is a beginners guide out on Amazon for the kindle that is well worth the money. I purchased it a couple of days ago and it showed me a lot of simple techniques that were very useful.
It is really easy to write text on a canvas. It was not clear if you want someone to enter text in the HTML page and then have that text appear on the canvas, or if you were going to use JavaScript to write the information to the screen.
The following code will write some text in different fonts and formats to your canvas. You can modify this as you wish to test other aspects of writing onto a canvas.
<canvas id="YourCanvasNameHere" width="500" height="500">Canvas not supported</canvas>
var c = document.getElementById('YourCanvasNameHere');
var context = c.getContext('2d'); //returns drawing functions to allow the user to draw on the canvas with graphic tools.
You can either place the canvas ID tag in the HTML and then reference the name or you can create the canvas in the JavaScript code. I think that for the most part I see the <canvas>
tag in the HTML code and on occasion see it created dynamically in the JavaScript code itself.
var canvas = document.getElementById('myCanvas');
var context = canvas.getContext('2d');
context.font = 'bold 10pt Calibri';
context.fillText('Hello World!', 150, 100);
context.font = 'italic 40pt Times Roman';
context.fillStyle = 'blue';
context.fillText('Hello World!', 200, 150);
context.font = '60pt Calibri';
context.lineWidth = 4;
context.strokeStyle = 'blue';
context.strokeText('Hello World!', 70, 70);