I am running PyLint on a Python project. PyLint makes many complaints about being unable to find numpy members. How can I avoid this while avoiding skipping membership check
A quick answer: update Pylint to 1.7.1 (use conda-forge provided Pylint 1.7.1 if you use conda to manage packages)
I found a similar issue in pylint GitHub here and someone replied everything getting OK after updating to 1.7.1.
Since this is the top result in google and it gave me the impression that you have to ignore those warnings in all files:
The problem has actually been fixed in the sources of pylint/astroid last month https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid/commits/83d78af4866be5818f193360c78185e1008fd29e but are not yet in the Ubuntu packages.
To get the sources, just
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/logilab/pylint/
hg clone https://bitbucket.org/logilab/astroid
mkdir logilab && touch logilab/__init__.py
hg clone http://hg.logilab.org/logilab/common logilab/common
cd pylint && python setup.py install
whereby the last step will most likely require a sudo
and of course you need mercurial to clone.
In Extension to j_hougs answer, you can now add the modules in question to this line in .pylintrc, which is already prepared empty on generation:
you can generate a sample .pylintrc by doing:
pylint --generate-rcfile > .pylintrc
and then edit the mentioned line
I've been working on a patch to pylint to solve the issue with dynamic members in libraries such as numpy. It adds a "dynamic-modules" option which forces to check if members exist during runtime by making a real import of the module. See Issue #413 in logilab/pylint. There is also a pull request, see link in one of the comments.