Adding a self-signed certificate to iphone Simulator?

后端 未结 7 605
轮回少年 2020-11-28 19:42

I have a self-signed certificate at the endpoint of my API. I\'m trying to test some things using the simulator but am getting \"untrusted server certificate\".

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  • 2020-11-28 20:25

    Just for Info, if someone still runs into that problem:

    simply drag & drop your .cer Files into your running Simulator window. You'll see Safari flashing and then the import dialog for your Certificate (or Certificate Authority)...

    Working for iOS 7 Simulator (and i Think did work for iOS 6 too).

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  • 2020-11-28 20:28

    Using iPhone Backup Extractor, I copied my iPhone's TrustStore.sqlite3 into ~/Library/Application Support/iPhone Simulator/6.0/Library/Keychains, overwriting the existing file. I tried to only insert a single row with the following sqlite, but I couldn't get it working.

    sqlite3 ~/backup/iOS\ Files/TrustStore.sqlite3
    sqlite3>.mode insert
    sqlite3>.output working.sql
    sqlite3>select * from tsettings;

    Now, working.sql has the entire contents of the tsettings table (in my case, 1 row).

    sqlite3 ~/Library/Application\ Support/iPhone\ Simulator/6.0/Library/Keychains/TrustStore.sqlite3
    sqlite3>INSERT INTO tsettings VALUES(X'...

    Again, the above sqlite commands didn't work for me, but might be a good starting point for someone else. Copying the entire TrustStore.sqlite3 from the backup into the simulator worked just fine.

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  • 2020-11-28 20:33

    For anyone use OS X Catalina, please check this :

    Catalina is currently blocking access to Desktop, Documents and Downloads folder. I moved certificate files to Shared folder and drag and drop the files to simulator from there.

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  • 2020-11-28 20:39

    I had this same issue for months and today I FINALLY solved it with:


    You are going to want to use a project called ADVTrustStore from github. It does some fancy magic but it will correctly install certificates into your root trust-store on the simulator.

    Steps to install a custom cert

    # Clone the repo
    git clone
    # Enter the repo directory
    cd ADVTrustStore/
    # Copy your .crt file 
    cp somewhere/something.crt my.crt
    # conver to a .pem file
    openssl x509 -in my.crt -out my.pem -outform PEM
    # Install the pem in the simulators
    ./ -a my.pem

    Using this process I was able to get GoogleStreetView images to render correctly while behind a corporate firewall using SSL resigning with self-signed certificates


    I was using CharlesProxy and i noticed it was correctly installing certificates into the Simulator but they did not show up in the Settings - Profiles section. Then after some searching I discovered this tool. There are probably a few other tools out there but in my case the drag-and-drop never worked correctly for all cases. Safari would be fine but not my applications.

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  • 2020-11-28 20:40

    For those who find that the dragging and dropping of the certificate on the Simulator isn't working, there was a recent change that adds an extra step.

    The Simulator must be explicitly told to trust the root CA. Do this by going to:

    General -> About -> Certificate Trust Settings -> "Enable Full Trust for Root Certificate" for your particular certificate

    See the full answer here:

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  • 2020-11-28 20:45

    Take a look at the shell script Charles uses to install their self signed cert into the simulator's keychain.

    See also:

    • iPhone TrustStore CA certificates

    It looks like installing your own certificate in the simulator may require installing it on a device via Safari and then copying the resulting row from the device's TrustStore.sqlite3 into the simulator's.

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