Separate Angular2 TypeScript files and JavaScript files into different folders, maybe 'dist‘

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清酒与你 2020-11-28 19:52

I am using the 5 min quickstart from website, which contain a file structure like this:


  • 2020-11-28 20:17

    I tried @WillyC's suggestion and worked like a charm, just note that you'll have to add the onchange dependency to your package.json file. I added a little just a little extra scripts to have a clean setup upon first run and also to remove leftover html/css files (it'd be nice if same could be done for TSC)

    Anyway, here is a section of my package.json file

      "scripts": {
        "start": "npm run cleandist && npm run moveassets && tsc && concurrently \"tsc -w\" \"lite-server\" \"npm run watchassets\" ",
        "cleandist": "rm -rf dist/*",
        "moveassets": "rsync -a --include='*.css' --include='*.html' --include='*/' --exclude='*' ./app/ ./dist/",
        "watchassets": "onchange 'app/**/*.css' 'app/**/*.html' -e 'dist/*' -v -- rsync -a --include='*.css' --include='*.html' --include='*/' --exclude='*' --delete ./app/ ./dist/"
      "devDependencies": {

    For the rsync delete, notice the --delete flag on the rsync command of the watchassets script

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  • 2020-11-28 20:19

    I tried few of the above mentioned options and finally, this is what I settled on: Peep - an extension for Visual Studio Code.

    How to install:

    • View -> Extensions
    • Peep
    • Install
    • Reload
    • View -> Command Pallet
    • Peep None
    • modify .vscode/settings.json as required (mine shown below)


      "typescript.check.workspaceVersion": false,
      "files.exclude": {
        "**/*.js": true,
        "**/*": true,
        "node_modules/": true,
        "dist/": true,
        "lib/": true

    01/25/2017 - updates: angular-cli out of the box, takes care of this. and installation works and now.

    0 讨论(0)
  • 2020-11-28 20:23

    My solution is a bit different from the above. I was starting from the Angular2 Quickstart seed defined here:

    And then only changed the following:

    • Added "outDir": "../dist" to tsconfig.json
    • Changed the baseDir attribute inside bs-config.json to "baseDir": ["dist", "src"]

    Then npm run start works as before (even html/css and other files without any copying), but compiled .js and .map files are built into dist/app and won't pollute your src/app directory.

    Please note that I haven't tested how this affects testing yet.

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  • 2020-11-28 20:24

    You can transpile .ts files in the browser, just like plunker is doing in their angular 2 ts template.

    Just launch editor, select new, then AngularJS, and 2.0.x (TS) option(on the very bottom). But the whole point of using webpack(or any other bundling tool) is to transpile files locally.

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  • 2020-11-28 20:32

    I tried the suggestion of @raheel & it worked for me. I have modified the structure according to my needs.

    I am using the following structure

    To get this I have modified only two files 1. systemjs.config.js and 2.tsconfig.json

    In systemjs.config.js I changed to

    map: { // previously it was app: 'app', app: 'app/js', ...

    and in tsconfig.json I have to add "outDir": "app/js"

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  • 2020-11-28 20:33

    Inspired by @Nagyl, I developed my own way and I believe it's worth to share:

    1) Install cpx

    npm install cpx

    2) Update bs-config.json and change baseDir from "src" to "dist"


    3) Update tsconfig.json and add outDir to end of compilerOptions:

    "outDir": "../dist"

    4) Update package.json: 4.1) add a new command to end of scripts:

    "cpx": "cpx \"src/**/*.{html,css,js,png,jpg}\" dist --watch"

    4.2) modify "start" line to include "cpx" command:

    "start": "concurrently \"npm run build:watch\" \"npm run cpx\" \"npm run serve\"",

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