I am working on an SMS app and need to be able to convert the sender\'s phone number from +11234567890 to 123-456-7890 so it can be compared to re
Check Phone number
$phone = '+385 99 1234 1234'
$str = preg_match('/^\+?\d{1,3}[\s-]?\d{1,3}[\s-]?\d{1,4}[\s-]?\d{1,4}$/', $phone);
return true;
return false;
Assuming that your phone numbers always have this exact format, you can use this snippet:
$from = "+11234567890";
$to = sprintf("%s-%s-%s",
substr($from, 2, 3),
substr($from, 5, 3),
substr($from, 8));
Try something like:
preg_replace('/\d{3}/', '$0-', str_replace('.', null, trim($number)), 2);
this would take a $number of 8881112222
and convert to 888-111-2222
. Hope this helps.
This is a US phone formatter that works on more versions of numbers than any of the current answers.
$numbers = explode("\n", '(111) 222-3333
((111) 222-3333
111 222-3333
123-456-7890 -Hello!
+1 - 1234567890
foreach($numbers as $number)
print preg_replace('~.*(\d{3})[^\d]{0,7}(\d{3})[^\d]{0,7}(\d{4}).*~', '($1) $2-$3', $number). "\n";
And here is a breakdown of the regex:
Cell: +1 999-(555 0001)
.* zero or more of anything "Cell: +1 "
(\d{3}) three digits "999"
[^\d]{0,7} zero or up to 7 of something not a digit "-("
(\d{3}) three digits "555"
[^\d]{0,7} zero or up to 7 of something not a digit " "
(\d{4}) four digits "0001"
.* zero or more of anything ")"
Updated: March 11, 2015 to use {0,7}
instead of {,7}
Here’s my take:
print "$parts[1]-$parts[2]-$parts[3]";
// 123-456-7890
The sscanf
function takes as a second parameter a format string telling it how to interpret the characters from the first string. In this case, it means 2 characters (%2c
), 3 characters, 3 characters, 4 characters.
Normally the sscanf
function would also include variables to capture the extracted data. If not, the data is return in an array which I have called $parts
The print
statement outputs the interpolated string. $part[0]
is ignored.
I have used a similar function to format Australian phone numbers.
Note that from the perspective of storing the phone number:
I know the OP is requesting a 123-456-7890 format, but, based on John Dul's answer, I modified it to return the phone number in parentheses format, e.g. (123) 456-7890. This one only handles 7 and 10 digit numbers.
function format_phone_string( $raw_number ) {
// remove everything but numbers
$raw_number = preg_replace( '/\D/', '', $raw_number );
// split each number into an array
$arr_number = str_split($raw_number);
// add a dummy value to the beginning of the array
array_unshift( $arr_number, 'dummy' );
// remove the dummy value so now the array keys start at 1
// get the number of numbers in the number
$num_number = count($arr_number);
// loop through each number backward starting at the end
for ( $x = $num_number; $x >= 0; $x-- ) {
if ( $x === $num_number - 4 ) {
// before the fourth to last number
$phone_number = "-" . $phone_number;
else if ( $x === $num_number - 7 && $num_number > 7 ) {
// before the seventh to last number
// and only if the number is more than 7 digits
$phone_number = ") " . $phone_number;
else if ( $x === $num_number - 10 ) {
// before the tenth to last number
$phone_number = "(" . $phone_number;
// concatenate each number (possibly with modifications) back on
$phone_number = $arr_number[$x] . $phone_number;
return $phone_number;