I got a problem, I tried to install a new package to my Laravel 4 project.
But when I run php composer.phar update
I get this:
Loading composer
Increase the memory limit for composer
php -d memory_limit=4G /usr/local/bin/composer update
I was getting this error in a local Docker environment. I solved it by simply restarting Docker.
Unfortuantely composer requires a lot of RAM & processing power. Here are a few things that I did, which combined, made the process bearable. This was on my cloud playpen env.
service mysql stop
(kill your DB/mem-hog services to free some RAM - don't forget to start it again!) top
to watch memory/swap consumption until process is complete.composer.phar update --prefer-dist -vvv
(verbose output [still hangs at some points when working] and use distro zip files). Maybe try a --dry-run
too? I've got this error when I ran composer install
inside my PHP DOCKER container,
It's a memory issue.
Solved by increasing SWAP memory in DOCKER PREFERENCES from 512MB to 1.5GB
To do that:
Docker -> Preferences -> Rousources
The "Killed" message usually means your process consumed too much memory, so you may simply need to add more memory to your system if possible. At the time of writing this answer, I've had to increase my virtual machine's memory to at least 768MB in order to get composer update
to work in some situations.
However, if you're doing this on a live server, you shouldn't be using composer update
at all. What you should instead do is:
composer update
in a local environment (such as directly on your physical laptop/desktop, or a docker container/VM running on your laptop/desktop) where memory limitations shouldn't be as severe.git push
the composer.lock file.composer install
on the live server.composer install
will then read from the .lock file, fetching the exact same versions every time rather than finding the latest versions of every package. This makes your app less likely to break, and composer uses less memory.
Read more here: https://getcomposer.org/doc/01-basic-usage.md#installing-with-composer-lock
Alternatively, you can upload the entire vendor
directory to the server, bypassing the need to run composer install
at all, but then you should run composer dump-autoload --optimize
composer 2 update have reduced the memory usage
composer self-update
composer update
composer require xxx