In React you can clearly create an object and assign it as an inline style. i.e.. mentioned below.
var divStyle = {
To Expand on what @PythonIsGreat said, I create a global function that will do it for me:
var css = function(){
var args = $.merge([true, {}],, 0));
return $.extend.apply(null, args);
This deeply extends the objects into a new object and allows for a variable number of objects as parameters. This allows you to do something like this:
<div style={css(styles.base, styles.first, styles.second,...)} ></div>
var styles = {
Array notaion is the best way of combining styles in react native.
This shows how to combine 2 Style objects,
<Text style={[styles.base, styles.background]} >Test </Text>
this shows how to combine Style object and property,
<Text style={[styles.base, {color: 'red'}]} >Test </Text>
This will work on any react native application.
So basically I'm looking at this in the wrong way. From what I see, this is not a React specific question, more of a JavaScript question in how do I combine two JavaScript objects together (without clobbering similarly named properties).
In this StackOverflow answer it explains it. How can I merge properties of two JavaScript objects dynamically?
In jQuery I can use the extend method.
You can do this with Object.assign()
In your example, you would do:
<div style={Object.assign(divStyle, divStyle2)}>
Hello World!
That will merge the two styles. The second style will replace the first if there are matching properties.
As Brandon noted, you should use Object.assign({}, divStyle, divStyle2)
if you want to reuse divStyle
without the fontSize applied to it.
I like to use this to make components with default properties. For example, here's a little stateless component with a default margin-right
const DivWithDefaults = ({ style, children, ...otherProps }) =>
<div style={Object.assign({ marginRight: "1.5em" }, style)} {...otherProps}>
So we can render something like this:
Some text.
<DivWithDefaults className="someClass" style={{ width: "50%" }}>
Some more text.
<DivWithDefaults id="someID" style={{ marginRight: "10px", height: "20px"}}>
Even more text.
Which will give us the result:
<div style="margin-right:1.5em;">Some text.</div>
<div style="margin-right:1.5em;width50%;" class="someClass">Some more text.</div>
<div style="margin-right:10px;height:20px;" id="someID">Even more text.</div>
For ones that looking this solution in React, If you want to use the spread operator inside style, you should use: babel-plugin-transform-object-rest-spread.
Install it by npm module and configure your .babelrc as such:
"presets": ["env", "react"],
"plugins": ["transform-object-rest-spread"]
Then you can use like...
const sizing = { width: 200, height: 200 }
style={{ backgroundColor: blue, ...sizing }}
More info:
Need to merge the properties in object. For Example,
const boxStyle = {
width : "50px",
height : "50px"
const redBackground = {
background: "red",
const blueBackground = {
background: "blue",
<div style={redBackground}></div>
<div style={blueBackground}></div>