I have a URL like http://localhost/dms/mduserSecurity/UIL/index.php?menu=true&submenu=true&pcode=1235
I want to get the URL without the query s
location.toString().replace(location.search, "")
Here's an approach using the URL() interface:
new URL(location.pathname, location.href).href
To get every part of the URL except for the query:
var url = (location.origin).concat(location.pathname).concat(location.hash);
Note that this includes the hash as well, if there is one (I'm aware there's no hash in your example URL, but I included that aspect for completeness). To eliminate the hash, simply exclude .concat(location.hash)
It's better practice to use concat
to join Javascript strings together (rather than +
): in some situations it avoids problems such as type confusion.
Read about Window.location and the Location interface:
var url = [location.protocol, '//', location.host, location.pathname].join('');
document.location.protocol + '//' +
document.location.host +
(NB: .host
rather than .hostname
so that the port gets included too, if necessary)
How about this: location.href.slice(0, - ((location.search + location.hash).length))