I have a Django site where a scrape happens when a user requests it, and my code kicks off a Scrapy spider standalone script in a new process. Naturally, this isn\'t working
Okay here is how I got Scrapy working with my Django project that uses Celery for queuing up what to crawl. The actual workaround came primarily from joehillen's code located here http://snippets.scrapy.org/snippets/13/
First the tasks.py
from celery import task
def crawl_domain(domain_pk):
from crawl import domain_crawl
return domain_crawl(domain_pk)
Then the crawl.py
from multiprocessing import Process
from scrapy.crawler import CrawlerProcess
from scrapy.conf import settings
from spider import DomainSpider
from models import Domain
class DomainCrawlerScript():
def __init__(self):
self.crawler = CrawlerProcess(settings)
def _crawl(self, domain_pk):
domain = Domain.objects.get(
pk = domain_pk,
urls = []
for page in domain.pages.all():
def crawl(self, domain_pk):
p = Process(target=self._crawl, args=[domain_pk])
crawler = DomainCrawlerScript()
def domain_crawl(domain_pk):
The trick here is the "from multiprocessing import Process" this gets around the "ReactorNotRestartable" issue in the Twisted framework. So basically the Celery task calls the "domain_crawl" function which reuses the "DomainCrawlerScript" object over and over to interface with your Scrapy spider. (I am aware that my example is a little redundant but I did do this for a reason in my setup with multiple versions of python [my django webserver is actually using python2.4 and my worker servers use python2.7])
In my example here "DomainSpider" is just a modified Scrapy Spider that takes a list of urls in then sets them as the "start_urls".
Hope this helps!
I set CELERYD_MAX_TASKS_PER_CHILD to 1 in the settings file and that took care of the issue. The worker daemon starts a new process after each spider run and that takes care of the reactor.