For a non-trivial database based enterprise application, there really is no justifying not using an ORM.
Features aside:
- By not using an ORM, you are solving a problem that has already
solved repeatedly by large communities or companies with significant
- By using an ORM, the core piece of your data access layer benefits
from the debugging efforts of that community or company.
To put some perspective in the argument, consider the advantages of using ADO.NET vs. writing the code to parse the tabular data stream oneself.
I have seen ignorance of how to use an ORM justify a developer's disdain for ORMs For example: eager loading (something I noticed you didn't mention). Imagine you want to retrieve a customer and all of their orders, and for those all of the order detail items. If you rely on lazy loading only, you will walk away from your ORM experience with the opinion: "ORMs are slow." If you learn how to use eager loading, you will do in 2 minutes with 5 lines of code, what your colleagues will take a half a day to implement: one query to the database and binding the results to a hierarchy of objects. Another example would be the pain of manually writing SQL queries to implement paging.
The possible exception to using an ORM would be if that application were an ORM framework designed to apply specialized business logic abstractions, and designed to be reused on multiple projects. Even if that were the case, however, you would get faster adoption by enhancing an existing ORM with those abstractions.
Do not let the experience of your senior team members drag you in the opposite direction of the evolution of computer science. I have been developing professionally for 23 years, and one of the constants is the disdain for the new by the old-school. ORMs are to SQL as the C language was to assembly, and you can bet that the equivalents to C++ and C# are on their way. One line of new-school code equals 20 lines of old-school.