Are foreign keys really necessary in a database design?

前端 未结 24 2171
执笔经年 2020-11-28 18:08

As far as I know, foreign keys (FK) are used to aid the programmer to manipulate data in the correct way. Suppose a programmer is actually doing this in the right manner alr

  • 2020-11-28 18:42

    As far as I know, foreign keys are used to aid the programmer to manipulate data in the correct way.

    FKs allow the DBA to protect data integrity from the fumbling of users when the programmer fails to do so, and sometimes to protect against the fumbling of programmers.

    Suppose a programmer is actually doing this in the right manner already, then do we really need the concept of foreign keys?

    Programmers are mortal and fallible. FKs are declarative which makes them harder to screw up.

    Are there any other uses for foreign keys? Am I missing something here?

    Although this is not why they were created, FKs provide strong reliable hinting to diagramming tools and to query builders. This is passed on to end users, who desperately need strong reliable hints.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:44

    I suppose you are talking about foreign key constraints enforced by the database. You probably already are using foreign keys, you just haven't told the database about it.

    Suppose a programmer is actually doing this in the right manner already, then do we really need the concept of foreign keys?

    Theoretically, no. However, there have never been a piece of software without bugs.

    Bugs in application code are typically not that dangerous - you identify the bug and fix it, and after that the application runs smoothly again. But if a bug allows currupt data to enter the database, then you are stuck with it! It's very hard to recover from corrupt data in the database.

    Consider if a subtle bug in FogBugz allowed a corrupt foreign key to be written in the database. It might be easy to fix the bug and quickly push the fix to customers in a bugfix release. However, how should the corrupt data in dozens of databases be fixed? Correct code might now suddenly break because the assumptions about the integrity of foreign keys dont hold anymore.

    In web applications you typically only have one program speaking to the database, so there is only one place where bugs can corrupt the data. In an enterprise application there might be several independent applications speaking to the same database (not to mention people working directly with the database shell). There is no way to be sure that all applications follow the same assumptions without bugs, always and forever.

    If constraints are encoded in the database, then the worst that can happen with bugs is that the user is shown an ugly error message about some SQL constraint not satisfied. This is much prefereable to letting currupt data into your enterprise database, where it in turn will break all your applications or just lead to all kinds of wrong or misleading output.

    Oh, and foreign key constraints also improves performance because they are indexed by default. I can't think of any reason not to use foreign key constraints.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:45

    I think some single thing at some point must be responsible for ensuring valid relationships.

    For example, Ruby on Rails does not use foreign keys, but it validates all the relationships itself. If you only ever access your database from that Ruby on Rails application, this is fine.

    However, if you have other clients which are writing to the database, then without foreign keys they need to implement their own validation. You then have two copies of the validation code which are most likely different, which any programmer should be able to tell is a cardinal sin.

    At that point, foreign keys really are neccessary, as they allow you to move the responsibility to a single point again.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:45

    We don't currently use foreign keys. And for the most part we don't regret it.

    That said - we're likely to start using them a lot more in the near future for several reasons, both of them for similar reasons:

    1. Diagramming. It's so much easier to produce a diagram of a database if there are foreign key relationships correctly used.

    2. Tool support. It's a lot easier to build data models using Visual Studio 2008 that can be used for LINQ to SQL if there are proper foreign key relationships.

    So I guess my point is that we've found that if we're doing a lot of manual SQL work (construct query, run query, blahblahblah) foreign keys aren't necessarily essential. Once you start getting into using tools, though, they become a lot more useful.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:45

    Yes. The ON DELETE [RESTRICT|CASCADE] keeps developers from stranding data, keeping the data clean. I recently joined a team of Rails developers who did not focus on database constraints such as foreign keys.

    Luckily, I found these: -- RedHill on Ruby on Rails plug-ins generate foreign keys using the convention over configuration style. A migration with product_id will create a foreign key to the id in the products table.

    Check out the other great plug-ins at RedHill, including migrations wrapped in transactions.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:48

    Entropy reduction. Reduce the potential for chaotic scenarios to occur in the database. We have a hard time as it is considering all the possiblilites so, in my opinion, entropy reduction is key to the maintenance of any system.

    When we make an assumption for example: each order has a customer that assumption should be enforced by something. In databases that "something" is foreign keys.

    I think this is worth the tradeoff in development speed. Sure, you can code quicker with them off and this is probably why some people don't use them. Personally I have killed a number of hours with NHibernate and some foreign key constraint that gets angry when I perform some operation. HOWEVER, I know what the problem is so it's less of a problem. I'm using normal tools and there are resources to help me work around this, possibly even people to help!

    The alternative is allow a bug to creep into the system (and given enough time, it will) where a foreign key isn't set and your data becomes inconsistent. Then, you get an unusual bug report, investigate and "OH". The database is screwed. Now how long is that going to take to fix?

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