Is it possible to change how Ctrl + Tab and Shift + Ctrl + Tab work in Visual Studio? I have disabled the popup naviga
I don't use Visual Studio (yes, really, I don't use it), but AutoHotkey can remap any hotkey globally or in a particular application:
#IfWinActive Microsoft Excel (application specific remapping)
; Printing area in Excel (@ Ctrl+Alt+A)
Send !ade
; Closes the active window (make double tapping F4 works like ALT+F4)
if f4_cnt > 0
f4_cnt += 1
f4_cnt = 1
SetTimer, f4_Handler, 250
SetTimer, f4_Handler, off
if (f4_cnt >= 2) ; Pressed more than two times
SendInput !{f4}
} else {
; Resend f4 to the application
Send {f4}
f4_cnt = 0
These are two remappings of my main AutoHotKey script. I think it's an excellent tool for this type of tasks.