In my table view I have to scroll to the top. But I cannot guarantee that the first object is going to be section 0, row 0. May be that my table view will start from section
I had to add the multiply by -1 *
to the sum of the status bar and the navigation bar, because it was going that height off the screen,
self.tableView.setContentOffset(CGPointMake(0 , -1 *
(self.navigationController!.navigationBar.height +
UIApplication.sharedApplication().statusBarFrame.height) ), animated:true)
It's better to not use NSIndexPath (empty table), nor assume that top point is CGPointZero (content insets), that's what I use -
[tableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0.0f, animated:YES];
Hope this helps.
I use tabBarController and i have a few section in my tableview at every tab, so this is best solution for me.
extension UITableView {
func scrollToTop(){
for index in 0...numberOfSections - 1 {
if numberOfSections > 0 && numberOfRows(inSection: index) > 0 {
scrollToRow(at: IndexPath(row: 0, section: index), at: .top, animated: true)
if index == numberOfSections - 1 {
setContentOffset(.zero, animated: true)
I've encountered an issue calling trying some of the methods on an empty tableView
. Here's another option for Swift 4 that handles empty tableviews.
extension UITableView {
func hasRowAtIndexPath(indexPath: IndexPath) -> Bool {
return indexPath.section < self.numberOfSections && indexPath.row < self.numberOfRows(inSection: indexPath.section)
func scrollToTop(animated: Bool) {
let indexPath = IndexPath(row: 0, section: 0)
if self.hasRowAtIndexPath(indexPath: indexPath) {
self.scrollToRow(at: indexPath, at: .top, animated: animated)
// from yourViewController or yourTableViewController
tableView.scrollToTop(animated: true)//or false
using contentOffset is not the right way. this would be better as it is table view's natural way
tableView.scrollToRow(at: NSIndexPath.init(row: 0, section: 0) as IndexPath, at: .top, animated: true)
Note: This answer isn't valid for iOS 11 and later.
I prefer
[mainTableView setContentOffset:CGPointZero animated:YES];
If you have a top inset on your table view, you have to subtract it:
[mainTableView setContentOffset:CGPointMake(0.0f, animated:YES];