Definitely not SmartGWT. Their framework is bloated and has a very half-baked nature. They have a million widgets, but trying to get them to work for your project is not easy. Datasources complicate the process of managing your data in a very big way, for example, in order to get to data in your datasource, you must use fecth and inspect often. While you can cache the results, it is not always easy to interrogate them.
RPC is another weak and convoluted area. There is contradicting information in the documentation and in the forums. While the documentation will say that you should rarely use a custom operation as part of a ds, they forum will tell you that it's perfectly fine. Learning to use these tools effectively is an uphill climb on the best of days.
They will oversell the product. For example, the charting/analytics package contains graphs... But those graphs won't display negative values or let you manipulate axis labels in any meaningful way. And they openly respond to queries about this on the forum with a "yeah so what" attitude. "We don't plan on adding that to 3.0x even though that's one of our selling points, it's on our road map." When they sold me the package, they never mentioned that I couldn't display negative values. Really? What graph would not need to be able to show negative values? I can think of only one- the one depicting the number of unhappy Isomorphic customers.
Stay away from these guys, and head over to any competitor's site, for example ExtJS, JQuery, heck even quxdoo. There are a few projects out there that are really gaining ground and actually offer a good solution.
Take great caution if you ever evaluate this product. It looks nice, but about two weeks in to the project using it, you'll start seeing what I mean. Widgets are half baked, datasources are extremely over complicated, and just because you paid for forum support, doesn't mean you'll actually get anything other than snide, condescending answers that at first will make you think you missed something. You didn't they're generally very arrogant.
Best of luck, and stay away from this product if you value your development time and maintainability. Oh and one last thing. Look at the MVC example on their web site. It has literally nothing to do with MVC other than the label reads "MVC". They'll try to convince you that such frameworks are for inexperienced developers, and that such a concept has no place in real programming... Kinda like those try catch blocks.