I am looking into the possibility to use multiple iBeacons to do a \'rough\' indoor position location. The application is a kind of \'museum\' setting, and it would be easie
I looked into this. The term you want it trilateration. (In triangulation you have angles from 3 known points. In trilateration you have distance from 3 known points) If you Google it you should find several articles including one on Wiki. It involves solving a set of 3 simultaneous equations. The documents I saw were for 3D trilateration - 2D is easier because you can just drop the Z term.
What I found was abstract math. I haven't taken the time yet to map the general algorithm into specific code, but I plan on tackling it at some point.
Note that the results you get will be VERY crude, especially in anything but an empty room. The signals are weak enough that a person, a statue, or anything that blocks line of sight will increase your distance readings pretty significantly. You might even have places in a building where constructive interference (mostly from the walls) makes some places read as much closer than they actually are.