Why use prefixes on member variables in C++ classes

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半阙折子戏 2020-11-28 17:39

A lot of C++ code uses syntactical conventions for marking up member variables. Common examples include

  • m_memberName for public members (where public
  • 2020-11-28 18:02

    I like variable names to give only a meaning to the values they contain, and leave how they are declared/implemented out of the name. I want to know what the value means, period. Maybe I've done more than an average amount of refactoring, but I find that embedding how something is implemented in the name makes refactoring more tedious than it needs to be. Prefixes indicating where or how object members are declared are implementation specific.

    color = Red;

    Most of the time, I don't care if Red is an enum, a struct, or whatever, and if the function is so large that I can't remember if color was declared locally or is a member, it's probably time to break the function into smaller logical units.

    If your cyclomatic complexity is so great that you can't keep track of what is going on in the code without implementation-specific clues embedded in the names of things, most likely you need to reduce the complexity of your function/method.

    Mostly, I only use 'this' in constructors and initializers.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:05

    It is useful to differentiate between member variables and local variables due to memory management. Broadly speaking, heap-allocated member variables should be destroyed in the destructor, while heap-allocated local variables should be destroyed within that scope. Applying a naming convention to member variables facilitates correct memory management.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:05

    Many of those conventions are from a time without sophisticated editors. I would recommend using a proper IDE that allows you to color every kind of variable. Color is by far easier to spot than any prefix.

    If you need to get even more detail on a variable any modern IDE should be able to show it to you by moving the caret or cursor over it. And if you use a variable in a wrong way (for instance a pointer with the . operator) you will get an error, anyway.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:07

    Some responses focus on refactoring, rather than naming conventions, as the way to improve readability. I don't feel that one can replace the other.

    I've known programmers who are uncomfortable with using local declarations; they prefer to place all the declarations at the top of a block (as in C), so they know where to find them. I've found that, where scoping allows for it, declaring variables where they're first used decreases the time that I spend glancing backwards to find the declarations. (This is true for me even for small functions.) That makes it easier for me to understand the code I'm looking at.

    I hope it's clear enough how this relates to member naming conventions: When members are uniformly prefixed, I never have to look back at all; I know the declaration won't even be found in the source file.

    I'm sure that I didn't start out preferring these styles. Yet over time, working in environments where they were used consistently, I optimized my thinking to take advantage of them. I think it's possible that many folks who currently feel uncomfortable with them would also come to prefer them, given consistent usage.

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  • 2020-11-28 18:07

    In python leading double underscores are used to emulate private members. For more details see this answer

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