When and Why does some one decide that they need to create a View in their database? Why not just run a normal stored procedure or select?
There is more than one reason to do this. Sometimes makes common join queries easy as one can just query a table name instead of doing all the joins.
Another reason is to limit the data to different users. So for instance:
Admin users can have privs on the actual table, but users that you don't want to have access to say the SSN, you create a view as
Then give them privs to access the view and not the table.
This doesn't answer your question exactly but I thought it would be worth mentioning Materialized Views. My experience is mostly with Oracle but supposedly SQL-Server is fairly similar.
We used something similar in our architecture to address XML performance problems. Our systems are designed with a lot of data stored as XML on a row and applications might need to query particular values within it. Handling lots of XMLTypes and running XPaths across large number of rows has a large impact on performance so we use a form of materialized views to extract the desired XML nodes out into a relational table anytime the base table changes. This effectively provides a physical snapshot of the query at a point in time as opposed to standard views which would run their query on demand.
A view is an encapsulation of a query. Queries that are turned into views tend to be complicated and as such saving them as a view for reuse can be advantageous.
We create view to limit or ristrict from accessing all rows/column in a table.If the owner wants that only specific or limited rows/column needs to be shared,then he will create a view with those column.
It can function as a good "middle man" between your ORM and your tables.
We had a Person table that we needed to change the structure on it so the column SomeColumn was going to be moved to another table and would have a one to many relationship to.
However, the majority of the system, with regards to the Person, still used the SomeColumn as a single thing, not many things. We used a view to bring all of the SomeColumns together and put it in the view, which worked out nicely.
This worked because the data layer had changed, but the business requirement hadn't fundamentally changed, so the business objects didn't need to change. If the business objects had to change I don't think this would have been a viable solution, but views definitely function as a good mid point.
I usually create views to de-normalize and/or aggregate data frequently used for reporting purposes.
By way of elaboration, if I were to have a database in which some of the entities were person, company, role, owner type, order, order detail, address and phone, where the person table stored both employees and contacts and the address and phone tables stored phone numbers for both persons and companies, and the development team were tasked with generating reports (or making reporting data accessible to non-developers) such as sales by employee, or sales by customer, or sales by region, sales by month, customers by state, etc I would create a set of views that de-normalized the relationships between the database entities so that a more integrated view (no pun intended) of the real world entities was available. Some of the benefits could include: