I have just installed postgresql and I specified password x during installation.
When I try to do createdb
and specify any password I get the message:
This is my solution:
su root
su postgres
If you're running macOS like I am, you may not have the postgres user.
When trying to run sudo -u postgres psql
I was getting the error sudo: unknown user: postgres
Luckily there are executables that postgres provides.
createuser -D /var/postgres/var-10-local --superuser --username=nick
createdb --owner=nick
Then I was able to access psql
without issues.
psql (10.2)
Type "help" for help.
If you're creating a new postgres instance from scratch, here are the steps I took. I used a non-default port so I could run two instances.
mkdir /var/postgres/var-10-local
pg_ctl init -D /var/postgres/var-10-local
Then I edited /var/postgres/var-10-local/postgresql.conf
with my preferred port, 5433.
/Applications/Postgres.app/Contents/Versions/10/bin/postgres -D /Users/nick/Library/Application\ Support/Postgres/var-10-local -p 5433
createuser -D /var/postgres/var-10-local --superuser --username=nick --port=5433
createdb --owner=nick --port=5433
There are two methods you can use. Both require creating a user and a database.
Using createuser and createdb,
$ sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser $USER
$ createdb mydatabase
$ psql -d mydatabase
Using the SQL administration commands, and connecting with a password over TCP
$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
And, then in the psql shell
CREATE DATABASE mydatabase WITH OWNER = myuser;
Then you can login,
$ psql -h localhost -d mydatabase -U myuser -p <port>
If you don't know the port, you can always get it by running the following, as the postgres
SHOW port;
$ grep "port =" /etc/postgresql/*/main/postgresql.conf
userI suggest NOT modifying the postgres
. You're supposed to have root to get to authenticate as postgres
which is the PostgreSQL equivalent of SQL Server's SA
, you have to have write-access to the underlying data files. And, that means that you could normally wreck havoc anyway.Just browse up to your installation's directory and execute this file "pg_env.bat", so after go at bin folder and execute pgAdmin.exe. This must work no doubt!
In MacOS, I followed the below steps to make it work.
For the first time, after installation, get the username of the system.
$ cd ~
$ pwd
$ psql -d postgres -U someuser
Now that you have logged into the system, and you can create the DB.
postgres=# create database mydb;
postgres=# create user myuser with encrypted password 'pass123';
postgres=# grant all privileges on database mydb to myuser;
Note: textdb is the database which you are going to explore with 'alex' user
root@kalilinux:~# sudo su - postgres
postgres=# psql
postgres=# create database testdb;
postgres=# create user alex with password 'alex';
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE testdb TO alex;`enter code here`