The idea is to return a kind of row number to a mongodb aggregate command/ pipeline. Similar to what we\'ve in an RDBM.
It should be a unique number, not important
Not sure about the performance in big queries, but this is at least an option.
You can add your results to an array by grouping/pushing and then unwind with includeArrayIndex
like this:
{$match: {author: {$ne: 1}}},
{$limit: 10000},
{$group: {
_id: 1,
book: {$push: {title: '$title', author: '$author', copies: '$copies'}}
{$unwind: {path: '$book', includeArrayIndex: 'rownum'}},
{$project: {
author: '$',
title: '$book.title',
copies: '$book.copies',
rownum: 1
Now, if your database contains a big amount of records, and you intend to paginate, you can use the $skip stage and then $limit 10 or 20 or whatever you want to display per page, and just add the number from the $skip stage to your rownum and you'll get the real position without having to push all your results to enumerate them.