I\'m making a login system, and I want to hash the passwords to make them more secure, but it returns a different hash every time, and can\'t even be verified using password
So let's take it one part at a time
but it returns a different hash every time
That's the idea. password_hash
is designed to generate a random salt every time. This means you have to break each hash individually instead of guessing one salt used for everything and having a huge leg up.
There's no need to MD5
or do any other hashing. If you want to raise the security of password_hash
you pass a higher cost (default cost is 10)
$password = password_hash($password4, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, ['cost' => 15]);
As to verify
if(password_verify($password4, $dbpassword))
So $password4
should be your unhashed password and $dbpassword
should be the hash you've stored in your database