I\'m kind of new to JavaScript. I just started learning it, and I decided to make a \'Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock\' game. Here is the code:
var use
Simplify result function with math. http://jsfiddle.net/afrievalt/qBbJn/
var options = ["paper", "rock", "lizard", "spock", "scissors"],
result = [" ties ", " beats ", " loses to "],
bigBang = function(choice1, choice2) {
var index1 = options.indexOf(choice1), //spock => 3
index2 = options.indexOf(choice2), //rock=> 1
dif = index2 - index1; // 1 - 3 => -2
if(dif < 0) { // -2 < 0 => truthy
dif += options.length; // -2 + 5 => 3
while(dif > 2) { //3 > 2 => truthy
dif -= 2; // 3 - 2 => 1
return choice1 + result[dif] + choice2; //spock beats rock
bigBang("spock", "paper"); // spock losses to paper
var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * 5),
randomChoice = options[i];
bigBang(randomChoice, userChoice);
this function will also work with options = ["cockroach", "nuke", "shoe"], (from that 70s show) or any odd length array like options = ["water", "fire", "paper", "rock", "tree", "metal", "mud"] //todo: throw error if any index = -1
If you help yourself with a table of combinations like this one -
I use 2 instead of -1 (0 - Tie; 1 - row win; 2 - row looses)
Then your code becomes:
var options=["Rock","Paper","Scissors","Lizard","Spock"]
var outcomes=[[0,2,1,1,2],[1,0,2,2,1],[2,1,0,1,2],[2,1,2,0,1],[1,2,1,2,0]]
function RPSLS(user){
var computer=Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
if (outcomes[user][computer]==0){alert("Tie");}
if (outcomes[user][computer]==1){alert("User Wins");}
if (outcomes[user][computer]==2){alert("Computer Wins");}
Then the HMTL part of the output:
Please choose:<br>
<button onclick="RPSLS(0)">Rock</button>
<button onclick="RPSLS(1)">Paper</button>
<button onclick="RPSLS(2)">Scissors</button>
<button onclick="RPSLS(3)">Lizard</button>
<button onclick="RPSLS(4)">Spock</button>
<button onclick="RPSLS(Math.floor(Math.random()*4))">Random Game</button><P>
<textarea id="txt1"></textarea><textarea id="txt1"></textarea>
As several users have mentioned, your best bet for comparing is to convert the input to lowercase.
For your second point, I would wrap the input parsing in a loop, like this:
var input = getInput();
// check for the winner
// tell the user that their input is invalid
I would do something like the following (please note that the syntax may be off slightly):
var compare = function (choice1, choice2)
switch (choice1.tolower())
case "rock"
case "scissors"
case default
alert ("Selection was invalid")
// if the user picked rock then we compare the computers choice and decide winner
var RockPicked = function(choice2)
if (choice2 === "scissors")
alert("Rock wins!");
else if (choice2 === "paper")
alert("Paper wins!");
else if (choice2 === "lizard")
alert("Rock wins!");
alert("Spock wins!");
I would write a function to get the correct response instead of doing it all inline.. that's just me..
function getUserChoice(){
var invalidPin = true;
var response;
response = prompt("choose your thing..");
if(response == "rock" || response == "paper" || response == "scizerz"){
invalidPin = false;
return response;
then you can get the user's choice simply by calling the function
var userChoice = getUserChoice();
Lets go object oriented on this. It will reduce repitition in the logic:
//Set up the choices with what they can beat
//This is a hash table of objects you can referecne by name
var choices = {rock : {name: "Rock", defeats: ["scissors","lizard"]},
paper: {name: "Paper", defeats: ["rock", "spock"]},
scissors: {name: "Scissors", defeats: ["paper", "lizard"]},
lizard: {name: "Lizard", defeats:["paper","spock"]},
spock: {name: "Spock", defeats:["scissors","rock"]}
//Get the computers choice
var computerChoice = Math.random();
if (computerChoice < 0.2) {
computerChoice = "rock";
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.4) {
computerChoice = "paper";
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.6) {
computerChoice = "scissors";
} else if (computerChoice <= 0.8) {
computerChoice = "lizard";
} else {
computerChoice = "spock";
//Get the users choice, normalising to lower case
var userChoice = prompt("Do you choose rock, paper, scissors, lizard, or spock?").toLowerCase();
alert("The computer chose " + computerChoice);
//Check for a tie
if(computerChoice == userChoice){
alert("It's a tie");
//Check for a valid choice
}else if(choices[userChoice] === undefined){
alert("Invalid Choice");
//Get the chosen one as an object
userChoice = choices[userChoice];
//Check For a win
/*var victory = false;
for(var i = 0; i < userChoice.defeats.length; i++){
if(computerChoice == userChoice.defeats[i])
victory = true;
//Improved check, inspired by Mke Spa Guy
var victory = userChoice.defeats.indexOf(computerChoice) > -1;
//Display result
if(victory) {
alert("Vitory! " + userChoice.name + " wins!")
alert("Defeat, " + computerChoice + " wins!");
Thats it, and Spocks' your uncle.
Demo with full action : e.g: Paper Covers Rock;
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