MySQL doesn\'t currently support updating rows in the same table the trigger is assigned to since the call could become recursive. Does anyone have suggestions on a good wor
You can actually up the rows in the same table as the trigger. The thread you linked to even has the solution.
For example:
TestTable ( id / lastmodified / random )
create trigger insert_lastmod
before insert on TestTable
for each row
set NEW.lastmodified = NOW();
insert into TestTable ( `random` ) values ( 'Random' );
select * from TestTable;
| id | lastmodified | random |
| 1 | 2010-12-22 14:15:23 | Random |
This worked for me :D
On Before / Update.
SET NEW.DateTimeUpdated = NOW();
I suppose you could call the stored proc in your trigger. HOwever, if you want to update some fields in the same records that you are changing (such as an updatedby or lastupdated column) then you can do this in a beofre trigger according to the refernce manual.
This is a common operation for triggers and I find it difficult to believe it isn't supported.
You can actually do that The below is an example for same
create trigger test2
before insert on ptrt
for each row
if NEW.DType = "A" then
set NEW.PA = 500;
elseif NEW.DType = "B" then
set NEW.PA = 1000;
set NEW.PA = 0;
If you want to update column that you don't read in trigger function, then as a workaround, you could put that column into separate table.