I want to validate a string to meet the following conditions:
You can use a (?!0+$)
negative lookahead to avoid matching a string that only contains 1 or more zeros:
See the regex demo. This approach lets you just copy/paste the lookahead after ^
and not worry about how many chars the consuming part matches.
- start of a string(?!0+$)
- a negative lookahead that fails the match if there are 1 or more 0
chars up to the end of the string ($
- an uppercase ASCII letter or a digit[0-9]{5}
- five digits$
- end of string.Just have a negative lookahead like this to disallow all 0s:
if lookahead is okay.
I think this will do it. It checks for not 000000 and your original regex.
What if you checked for the all zeros case first and then, after determining that it's no all zeros apply your regex?
I would do two passes. One with your first regex, and one with a new regex looking for all zeros.